[HCDX]: Loggings
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[HCDX]: Loggings


3230, Radio Nepal (Pres), Kathmandu. Jan 4th 1710-1715, Male anns possibly
nx, then time pips at 1715,
          then off abruptly. Schedule coincides with that in ILG. 33222


       5090, CNR Beijing 5, Beijing. Jan 4th 1730-1750 Om tlk in CC, flute
                 type mx, in // 7620 weak and
                ORM from numbers staion on 5091, in // 7620, 23342 (Willis)

Dean Willis, Aberdare, South Wales
40m and 200m Long Wires

F.C.Cwmaman's Homepage


"Be careful of the toes you step on today, as they may be connected to the
that you may have to kiss tomorrow!!"

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