Re: [HCDX]: AM Guide - Worldwide!
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Re: [HCDX]: AM Guide - Worldwide!

At 13.37 11.1.2000 GMT, Horacio wrote:
>>I am thinking its the moment to create a free database for  MW, SW,
>>Clandestine intended for open consulting. Some DXer with enough time and
>>dedication -not me- would be in position of doing this. 

and Michiel continued:
>I'm very satisfied with the free ILG from The shortwave
>database is excellent and kept up-to-date throughout the year. 
>Why put a lot of effort into a new database, when we have the ILG ? I have
>editing frequency lists in the past, and I can assure you that the work
>is massive. Producing and maintaining a high quality frequency database
for MW
>and SW is practically a fulltime job.

Yes, I agree, it is the best there is and it's free, I hope it just stays
like that.

73, Mauno

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