[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-10 Jan 21
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-10 Jan 21

	DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-10, January 21, 2000

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing 
full credit be maintained at all stages}

WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR: Two new times, perhaps temporary, have been 
found: Fri 1030 on 7435, UT Sat 0400 on 3215. The 1030 was confirmed 
already Jan 21, the signal not solid here, but how is it in Asia, 
Pacific? Must have started a few minutes late, ending at 1100:20 but 
QSY to 12160 waited till WOR was over.

CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-01 as of Jan 20 is available at 
http://www.DXing.com as well as via RFPI

** ANGUILLA. The insufferable arrogance of Dr Gene Scott has reached 
new levels, with his total takeover of the 25 meter band. His owned 
and operated 100 kW transmitter here on 11775, somewhat 
undermodulated on the fundamental, has been putting distorted 
modulation-spike-spurs audible all the way from 11700 to 12065, when 
checked around 1210 Jan 21. While worst up to 11865 or so, they were 
strong enough to bother such major signals as WYFR on 11725, 11830, 
VOA on 11890, and even the lesser signal from himself via Costa Rica 
on 11870+. At first DGS was being consecutively translated into 
Portuguese; an hour later his screaming and yelling did not help the 
modulation level. This eclipses Cuba`s piddling problems at the same 
time with 11760 bothering only plus/minus 10 kHz, and even Romania`s 
spurs throughout the 16 meter band. This needs to be fixed, and 
quick! DGS now seems to mean: Dirtiest Goddamn Spurs (Glenn Hauser, 

** AUSTRALIA. 21720, Radio Australia 2331-0001 Test transmission? 
"Waltzing Matilda" interval-signal non-stop except for brief breaks 
at 2345 and 2352. Not parallel to 21740; unknown site. SINPO 25444. 
Gave up at 0001 UTC, still going (Bill Flynn, OR, Jan 14, Cumbre DX 

** AUSTRALIA. (Cumbre 278 followup) Radio Australia. After the 
logging of a Radio Australia test on 21720 by Bill Flynn I sent an 
email to Nigel Holmes, Transmission Manager for RA. He tells me that 
detail can't be released yet but other frequencies to check on are 
9580 and 9850 during Australian daylight hours. He also states that 
these tests are not affecting transmissions from Shepparton, Brandon 
or Taiwan. I guess that leaves us to assume a separate site, so I 
suppose Darwin is the obvious choice. (Richard Jary, Australia, Jan 

** AUSTRALIA [et al.] The BBC Monitoring Service has a section which 
identifies potential news items for the upcoming week or so. 
It's at http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/caversham/index.htm 
Most of the entries are political in nature, e.g. Politician/ 
Delegation X is to visit country Y. There are many items listed; some 
are more interesting than others. January 26, says the listing, is 
Australia Day. That might be an interesting time to tune in 9580 kHz 
over breakfast (or the previous evening- on 21740) here in NAm 
(John Grimley, ODXA, Toronto, swprograms via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOLIVIA. Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco is now on 6055 
[ex-4965 as planned], heard Jan 20 at 2300, but somewhat difficult 
with heterodynes. I don`t know how well this will work in the target 
area (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragao, Cochabamba, member of DX Clube 
Paulista, in Feb to be renamed DX Clube do Brasil, DX LISTENING 

** CANADA. C'EST LA VIE: This week on C'est La Vie, the world of 
translation. Meet a simultaneous interpreter, and find out what goes 
through her head when she's translating a conference. Also, an award- 
winning literary translator. How does she manage to convey the soul 
of a play when she translates it? That's all on C'est La Vie, with 
Bernard St-Laurent, tonight at 7:30 (8:00 NT) on CBC Radio One. (CBC 
Hotsheet) That`s UT Sat Jan 22 at 0029 on RCI 5960, 9755 (Hauser, DX 

** CANADA. ROOTS & WINGS: This week on Roots and Wings, host Philly 
Markowitz has a funkadelic show, featuring the smoke- and honey-
voiced Oliver Mtukudzi from Zimbabwe, plus music about horses from 
Vietnam and the Dominican Republic, including a merengue version of 
"Ghost Riders in the Sky" ! That's on Roots and Wings, Sunday evening 
at 5:05 (5:35 NT) on CBC Radio Two. (CBC Hotsheet) That`s UT Mon Jan 
24 0005 on RCI 5960, 9755 (Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Hi, I didn't realize until yesterday that the Town of
Sackville, New Brunswick, had its own website. If you want to realize 
that there's more to the place than just the RCI transmitter site, 
you can check out http://www.sackville.com
The only (small) entry concerning RCI has a couple of mistakes in it, 
at the moment. I've e-mailed them about that, though. 73- (Bill 
Westenhaver, Jan 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CLIPPERTON. The Clipperton 2000 team plans to depart San Diego Feb 
23 and be operational from March 1 with four HF stations, one for 6 
meters, and one for satellite. Frequencies to watch are: 

50115, 28475, 24945, 21295, 18145, 14195, 7065 e 3795 kHz in SSB; 
50115, 28025, 24895, 21025, 18145, 14025, 10106, 7005, 3505 and 1827 
kHz in CW; 21080 and 14080 kHz in RTTY. 

The team is made up of: G0LMX, HB9AHL, JK7TKE, K3VN, K4UEE, KK6EK, 
N6MZ, N7CQQ, N9NS, N9TK, ON4WW, VE5RA and 9V1YC. Operations will 
conclude March 8 and the group will leave the next day. QSL via John 
Kennon N7CQQ, PO Box 31553, Laughlin, Nevada 89028, USA. More info at 
http://www.qsl.net/clipperton2000 (John Kennon N7CQQ via 425 DX News 
via Radio Incontro Jan 21 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** ECUADOR. HCJB is the latest victim of R. Marti. 11960 in Spanish 
at 1219 Jan 21 suffered from R. Marti audio mix and Cuban bubble 
jamming, both second harmonics of 5980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. FCC Approves Low-Power FM Radio. Wash Post Jan 21.
(via Chet Copeland, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Glenn! Here's a piece on the FCC's move to allow low-power FM 
xmtrs. Pirate radio goes legit By Fiona Morgan Jan. 19, 2000 
(Bill Westenhaver, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

See FCC`s LPFM website at http://www.fcc.gov/mmb/prd/lpfm (via Eric 
Cooper, NRC, via DX LISTENING DIGEST) If you can; it is rather busy 
and slow to load today! (Hauser)     ###

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