Re: [HCDX]: Radio France International
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio France International

I received a full detail QSL last year for a reception of the Montsinery
Relay (17630 kHz) after 138 days.

73, Enzio

Richard Jary wrote:

> It's been a long time since I've seen a QSL from RFI mentioned anywhere,
does anyone know if they still reply?
> I logged them last night relaying via Japan on 7140 at 1030 in French.
> Also logged Paraguay on 9737.35 for the first time at 0910 UTC.
> On Saturday 21/1 I faintly heard the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and
The Ugly" on 14565 LSB at 0700. An email to Radio Blandengue tells me that
is what they playing, but I couldn't really make out any details. Still,
nice to know the signal does get across the Pacific, gives me something to
hope for!
> Richard
> Gosford, NSW
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