Re: [HCDX]: transmitter-maintenance 1251 Khz
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Re: [HCDX]: transmitter-maintenance 1251 Khz

At 11.51 22.1.2000 +0100, Julius Hermans wrote:
>I have just read on the Dutch NOS-teletext that the small transmitter in
Hulsberg (southeast of the netherlands, just east of Maastricht) is due for
repair next week. Acc. to teletext: "The hulsberg-tx will be off the air
for shorter or longer periods in the timeslot of 23.05-04.30 UTC starting
mondaynight the 24th and also tuesday-, wednesday and thursdaynight next
>Maybe this could create some DX-opportunities here or there on 1250 or
1251 KHz so I thought it would be handy to pass this info on to you all,
although Tripoli can be quite strong on 1251.

This kind of information would be the jewels of the list, concerning
especially the MegaWatt transmitters on the European MW. Could everyone
please take note of  these and inform us others?

73, Mauno

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