Re: [HCDX]: 'V' stations in Canada
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Re: [HCDX]: 'V' stations in Canada

My question is simple.Back in the 60's when I began MW dxing,I used to
see a handful of far  north-eastern Canadian MW stations having a V
prefix for some stations.They were usually in some far flung local like
NEWFOUNDLAND or in Gander,etc ( VOOM,VOAR).....Do these still
exist.These to me were the height of really cool MW dxing back
then.....and those 20 watt Inuit stations in the Northwest Territories.

This is a holdover from when Newfoundland was independent. Newfoundland only joined Canada in 1949; before that, it was its own country, and had its own call signs. Stations that existed before confederation were grandfathered in and allowed to keep their old calls.

Ralph Brandi  ralph@xxxxxxxxxx  webmaster@xxxxxxxxx

Webmaster, Association of North American Radio Clubs

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