Re: [HCDX]: DX Program on 11755 Sunday at 13.30 UTC
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Re: [HCDX]: DX Program on 11755 Sunday at 13.30 UTC
At 09:44 07.02.00 +0100, you wrote:
>Would you please give me the names and frequencies of all radio stations
>a DX-program on Sundays at 13.30 UTC.
>There has been a radio station disturbing Radio Finland on 11755 kHz for the
>last couple of weeks between 13.00 and 14.00 hours UTC. Yesterday I heard
a DX
>program which started 13.30 UTC, but was not able to identify the station.
I am
>quite sure that this is not intentional and would like to contact the station
>Best regards and thank you for your help,
The station boadcasting the DX programme (Wavescan) on 11755 kHz at 1330 is
KSDA Guam. The 11755 kHz frequency is allocated oficially also to this
station between 1300 and 1400 UTC.
Erich Bergmann
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