Re: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB
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Re: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB
About WGTG:
jyri.rauhala@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Can anyone give a hint on how to get a QSL from WGTG?
> Over the years of WGTG's existence I have tried all sort of letters
> (interesting/dull/simple/thorough/personal/formal/souvernirs/no-souvernirs/d
> ollars/no-dollars/SASE/IRC), recordings on floppy disk, e-mail... i.e. quite
> many attempts with absolutely no results.
Even if you've already tried, try an e-mail follow-up report once more at
wgtg@xxxxxxxxxxxx Make it short, and remind the Mgr that you will be perfectly
happy with a short e-mail reply. That clue is what worked for me in October -99.
The Mgr couldn't care less about verifying reports, so DXers should make it easy
for him. And e-mail is of course easy, cheap and quick. Good luck!
Mika Makelainen
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