RE: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB QSL Policy
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RE: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB QSL Policy
I can't imagine why anyone would want a QSL from this station, but some
weeks ago Dave Frantz told me and I then publicized, that he requires a
minimum of FIVE HOURS of program details, not necessarily consecutive, along
with SASE or SAE and IRC. There are still no guarantees, but that is what he
told me at that time.
Glenn Hauser
From: jyri.rauhala@xxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 13:45:36 +0200
Can anyone give a hint on how to get a QSL from WGTG?
Over the years of WGTG's existence I have tried all sort of letters
recordings on floppy disk, e-mail... i.e. quite many attempts with
absolutely no results. regards,
Jyri Rauhala
Tampere, Finland
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