Re: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB
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Re: [HCDX]: WGTG 6.890 SSB

The answer to this was in Glen Hauser's DX Listening Digest at the beginning of
the year. I ran the item as follows in the Australian Radio DX Club

WGTG has explained it?s QSL policy in a letter to Glenn Hauser? ?Glen I get lots
of request for QSL cards. Our QSL policy:
1. The listener must provide 5 hours of programming details. The 5 hours do not
have to be consecutive but can be any combo of hours or days.
2. Self addressed envelope.
3. Postage or 2 IRCs for reply.
We will be adding another transmitter (5 total) three new antennas (7 total),
started construction on 7000 sq foot tx bldg. Upgrading all transmitters to 120
kW we are / will be more powerful than WWCR / WHRI.. Etc. With much
better antennas / directions.
(Dave Frantz, WGTG, Jan 1, DX Listening Digest)

Seems a bit excessive to me, and not really understanding the concept of a
reception report. I presume my report can cover 4 different frequencies and the
resulting card is valid for all of them?


jyri.rauhala@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Sorry, but this is not a WGTG listening tip, but another interesting WGTG
> related topic:
> Can anyone give a hint on how to get a QSL from WGTG?
> Over the years of WGTG's existence I have tried all sort of letters
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