[HCDX]: logs 5-7 FEB 2000
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[HCDX]: logs 5-7 FEB 2000

(logs 5-7 FEB 2000: file=dx000207.log)

Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 2000

e-mail: MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx
Homepage: http://members.aol.com/MarkWA1ION/weblink.htm
RF circuit page: http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/index.html
Newfoundland DXpedition page:
Cape Cod bandscan page: http://members.xoom.com/MarkWA1ION/capecod.htm
music lists: http://members.aol.com/WMEX1510/musiclists.htm

[Connelly*B-MA] = Billerica, MA
(GC= 71.221 W / 42.533 N)

[Connelly*O-MA] = South Orleans, Cape Cod, MA
(GC= 69.991 W / 41.735 N)
(Town Landing, off Route 28, 0.3 km N of Tar Kiln Road)

Receiver: Drake R8A

Antenna systems: slopers (east, west), 30-m wire (running
east), MFJ-1024 active whip, Superphaser-1 phasing unit



567 | IRELAND | RTE, Tullamore, FEB 5 2339 - US C&W music;
to fair peak. [Connelly*O-MA]

612 | IRELAND | Athlone, FEB 5 2334 - rock music; slightly
under Morocco. [Connelly*O-MA]

612 | MOROCCO | Sebaa-Aioun, FEB 5 2334 - AA/Berber music;
slightly over Ireland. [Connelly*O-MA]

684 | SPAIN | RNE1, Sevilla, FEB 5 2329 - SS teletalk; rising
up to a good peak over the WRKO slop. [Connelly*O-MA]

693 | UNITED KINGDOM | BBC, Droitwich et al., FEB 5 2328 -
EE talk by man; mixed with apparent Spain and hetted by
Azores-693.7. [Connelly*O-MA]

774 | SPAIN | RNE1 synchros, FEB 5 2320 - // 855 with SS
talk; barely over co-channel rumble and bits of AA station.

836 | AZORES | RDP, Pico da Barrosa, FEB 5 2315 - man in PP; to
fair peak, better than the stations on 837. [Connelly*O-MA]

855 | SPAIN | RNE1, Murcia et al., FEB 5 2313 - SS discussion and
telephone interview; to good peak. [Connelly*O-MA]

891 | ALGERIA | Algiers, FEB 5 2348 - AA vocal; to fair peak.

980.98 | ALGERIA | Radiodif. Algerienne, Algiers, FEB 5 2353 -
AA vocal; strong carrier but feeble audio, WTRY phased.

1044 | MOROCCO | Sebaa-Aioun, FEB 5 2305 - AA music evenly mixed
with SER Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]

1044 | SPAIN | SER synchros, FEB 5 2305 - somewhat echoey SS talk;
mixed with Morocco. [Connelly*O-MA]

1107 | SPAIN | RNE5 synchros, FEB 5 2303 - SS news by man & woman;
fair. [Connelly*O-MA]

1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, FEB 5 2257 - SS
newstalk by man; poor. [Connelly*O-MA]

1251 | LIBYA | Tripoli, FEB 5 2358 - AA talk; poor, slopped
by unID SS station on 1250. [Connelly*O-MA]

1422 | GERMANY | DeutschlandRadio, Heusweiler, FEB 7 0411 -
woman in GG, then orchestral music; over second station.

1467 | FRANCE | TWR, Roumoules, FEB 5 2253 - male vocal; weaker
than usual and badly slopped. [Connelly*O-MA] + FEB 7 0356 -
man preaching in GG; fair to good. [Connelly*B-MA]

1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, FEB 5 2045 - fade-up at
good level, actually stronger before sunset than after it.
+ FEB 5 2249 - AA vocal and talk; only fair, sometimes
submerging under the SER Spain outlet running much less
power. [Connelly*O-MA]

1530 | VATICAN | R. Vaticana, FEB 7 0400 - Vatican interval
signal music; over/under WSAI. [Connelly*B-MA]

1548 | UNITED KINGDOM | unID station, FEB 7 0408 - British
EE news; not // BBCWS; fair on peak. [Connelly*B-MA]

1575 | ITALY | Genova, FEB 7 0402 - Italian news mentioning
a prime minister; very good, over Spain. [Connelly*B-MA]

1583.65 | CEUTA | RadiOle, FEB 7 0404 - SS talk and a het
against SER-1584, so this one has drifted off channel again.

1584 | SPAIN | SER synchros, FEB 7 0404 - SER SS news with
echo. [Connelly*B-MA]


555 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | ZIZ, Basseterre, FEB 5 2341 - reggae
vocal music, drums; good with WGAN phased. [Connelly*O-MA]   

580 | PUERTO RICO | WKAQ, San Juan, FEB 5 2337 - SS Puerto
Rico news; mixed with other SS station (likely R. Monte
Cristi, Dominican Republic per format) and a C&W domestic
(CJFX ?). [Connelly*O-MA]
581 | unID | FEB 5 2336 - het against WKAQ/others on 580.
Possibly related to Terry Krueger's 580.8 logging from FL.

600 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, CMKV, Urbano Noris,  FEB 5 2324 -
empassioned SS political speech // 710; excellent / dominant.

609.42 | unID | FEB 5 2335 - this 'turkey' now here with
buzzy carrier. [Connelly*O-MA]

640 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Guanabacoa / Las Tunas, FEB 5 2331 -
// 660 with SS folk vocal; under CBN. [Connelly*O-MA]

660 | CUBA | R. Progreso, CMHG, Santa Clara, FEB 5 2331 -
// 640 with rustic folk group vocal with fiddle and steel
guitar; over/under WFAN. [Connelly*O-MA]

680 | PUERTO RICO | WAPA, San Juan, FEB 5 2330 - "Wapa"
mention and SS talk under WRKO (and bits of WPTF sneaking
in also).  It wasn't an auroral night, so fill-in skip
from WRKO was messing up the usually solid phase null of
its groundwave. [Connelly*O-MA] 
690 | ANGUILLA | Caribbean Beacon, The Valley, FEB 5 2327 -
weird sermon about the importance of this month's star charts
regarding Canis major and Canis minor (then alluded to by
their EE names 'big dog', 'little dog'); strong signal,
way over Montreal. [Connelly*O-MA]
710 | CUBA | R. Rebelde synchros, FEB 5 2323 - // 600 with
emotional SS revolutionary speech: this and the het from
W. Sahara - 711.04 were overpowering WOR. [Connelly*O-MA]

760 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJAJ, Barranquilla, FEB 5 2318 - // 770
with SS shouting by woman & man; good, dominant. [Connelly*O-MA]
770 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJJX, Bogota, FEB 5 2318 - // 760 with
shrill-voiced female announcer in SS; evenly mixing with a
Frank Sinatra retrospective show I was checking out on WABC.

780 | VENEZUELA | R. Coro, YVMN, Coro, FEB 5 2346 - R. Coro
jingle; mixed with CFDR & WBBM. [Connelly*O-MA]

820 | unID | FEB 5 2316 - jamming type signal; totally trashing
WNYC. [Connelly*O-MA]

1020 | VENEZUELA | Mundial Margarita, YVRS, La Asuncion,
FEB 5 2359 - SS folk vocal, Margarita ID; good, in easy
null of KDKA. [Connelly*O-MA]

1020.79 | unID | FEB 5 2308 - weak het against YVRS/KDKA.

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