Re: Ang: Re: [HCDX]: UNID on 1660 kHz
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Re: Ang: Re: [HCDX]: UNID on 1660 kHz

At 09:27 14/02/00 +0100, you wrote:
Re Unid on 1660 kHz:
Why not try the old-fashioned method of listening for legal ID? It still works!

Hello Dxers,

I live in Brazil and I don't dominate the official language of this list, for
this reason doesn't understand the subject thrown by Kaj Larsson.

I am serious DX there are many years, and I always use the
maximum of the available resources to identify a station, however,
cases exist in that it is almost impossible, at this time,
the station here is the winter, with strong noises produced by the
tropical storms and the natural noise of who it lives together
the line of Ecuador.

The signals of the American radio stations arrive to mine receiver
with sign S-2, thanks to great sensibility of Drake R8-B.

Unhappily, the meteo conditions should only improve  in June
or later.

I wait that people as Mr. Kaj has more patience  with American
Latin American DXers, because, we don't have the  conditions
found in Sweden.

good dxing

Djaci Franklin Silva
Electronic Engineer and ShortWave Listener

Receivers: Drake R8-B (VHF on-board), Sony ICF-SW7600G Antennas: Grove Mini-skywire, Electril DF1/160m, VHF whip Cassette Tape Recorder: National RQ-2102

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