[HCDX]: Thailand Report 5
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[HCDX]: Thailand Report 5
Rx: Sony ICF-2001D
Ant: Magnetic loop
BHUTAN - 1410 Country song, 1417 ann by YL in Vn, Samba, 1421 ?My Delilah?,
1426 ?Help me make it through the night?, 1448 ?When a man loves a woman?,
1458 NA (Chorus), 1500 s/off - no px in EN at 1430; 54333.
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
CHINA - 5860 Vo Jingling 1350 short instrumental version of ?I am sailing?,
spoken word px by YL/OM, 1358 instr. mx, 1400 5+1 Time pips, ID; 45433. Ex
5860.3; no // found on 4875, obviously inactive there.
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
6937 Yunnan PBS, 1045 March in progress, 1047 Ch mx; so s/on before listed
1055; 55444
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
6750, 6689.2 CPBS 1 1227 heard on these new frequencies, in // with 4460,
5955, 6125.
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
5163 CPBS 2, 1540 Ch mx, 44333
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
5090 CNR Taiwan Service 2, 1545 Ch mx, 45333
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
CLANDESTINE - 5610 alt 5630 alt 5640 alt 5650 V.o. Mojahed 1520 - jumping to
avoid Jammers, 3 of them were in operation at the same time, 22332
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
LAOS - The following frequencies +- 10 kHz were checked several times
without any result:
5398.7 Xieng Khouang Regional Stn.
6356.9 Pakse Regional Stn.
6971 Luang Prabang Regional Stn.
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
MALAYSIA 5979.5 RTM Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 1320 nx in Malay about Indonesia
and Malaysia, 1326 NA (March/Chorus), 1329 instrumental music, s/off in the
middle of the song (so no listed relay of R. 4 in EN) 54444
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
MYANMAR 5985.9 R. Myanmar 1430 Start of px in EN, ID, breakfast styles in
Myanmar, 1439 Tourist programme, 1442 ?You are tuned to Yangoon?, Military
March, ?You are listening to Myanmar Radio, Yangoon?, 1444 Health programme
?Excellent way to prevent travel sickness?, ?Headache?, off at 1501 recheck,
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 4890 NBC Pt Moresby 1127 EN phone-in px, listener from
Buka, mx, 1135 ?Wake me up before you gogo?, 55433.
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
TADJIKISTAN 5800 Tadjik R. 1504 Home Service in Tadjik 55444, not // 4635
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
UNID 3355, 1816 Reggae, 1816 short ann in Vn by OM, 1819 Reggae, abrupt end
of transmission at 1824; S4
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
VIETNAM 6500.8 R. Cao Bang, 1256 local mx, 1259 good ID despite heavy CW by
station HOG, spoken word px by YL, 22332
Willi Passmann, Ko Tao-Thailand, Feb 17
Bandscan on Feb. 18, between 1935-2110 (0235-0410 local time)
1935 3200 TWR SWZ EN 25222
1939 3255 BBC Meyerton AFS EN 45333
1941 3270 NBC NMB EN 35322 // 3290
1942 3290 NBC NMB EN 35322 // 3270
1944 3315 R. Manus PNG Vn 35322 this one still has a local morning broadcast
2002 3320 SABC AFS Afrikaans 45333 playing an oldfashioned German song
2007 3355 CBS TWN Ch 55343
2011 3380 MBC MWI EN 45333 charts programme
2020 3390 UNID non stop 3-tone Intervall signal, numbers station?
2024 4635 Tadjik R. TJK Vn 34333
2027 4800 LNBS LSO 45333 - 45333 nonstop hi life mx (t)
2034 4810 R. Yerevan ARM F 44333 2035 start of German px
2040 4835 RTM Bamako MLI Vn 34333
2043 4845 RTM Kajang MLA Vn 55555
2044 4880.1 Number station in German
2045 4890 NBC Pt. Moresby PNG EN 45343
2048 4915 Kenya/Ghana struggling with equal signal strength S3
2050 4950 pres. VoA STP struggling with a second one; did not stay on the
frequency though
2053 4965 Christian Voice ZMB EN 55444 Slogan ?Radio for Africa?; announcing
106.2 MHz as local FM frequency for Lusaka
2105 4976 R. Uganda (t) UGD - 42332 nonstop western instrumental music -
Id?d only by qrg, so tentative
2107 5000 UNID 22322 nx in EN, Vn at 2115
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