Re: [HCDX]: Poland on LW/MW
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Re: [HCDX]: Poland on LW/MW

Yudun Ritz: 

> In this very moment I am listening to Poland's Radio1 on 225 kHz
> (transmitting from a 300 m high tower), so they actually are
> transmitting at least on long wave. For more infos you are welcome to
> visit my MW web site ( from which you can l

I made a band scan here in Finland about one month ago.  There seems to be  
only two active Polish AM stations.  The other one is LW 225 kHz, indeed.
On MW only 1503 kHz is used for foreign service, mainly this stn is leased
for various religious broadcasters (TWR) for programmes in Swedish &
Finnish.  This stn on 1503 kHz is on the air after sunset only.
All other AM-stns have been off the air possibly since Dec/Jan.  Thus 
1368, 1305, 1206, 1080, 819 and 738 kHz are free for long-distance
reception.  720 kHz has been off the air many years.

Jorma Mantyla
Kangasala, Finland

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