[HCDX]: Silvi shortwave logs
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[HCDX]: Silvi shortwave logs
- To: cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, gayle@xxxxxxxxx, harryh@xxxxxxxxxxx, english@xxxxxxxxxxx, Fireprof73@xxxxxxx, Popularcom@xxxxxxx, cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxx, wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx, wghauser@xxxxxxxxx, hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [HCDX]: Silvi shortwave logs
- From: Fireprof73@xxxxxxx
- Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 21:14:22 EST
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
SOUTH AFRICA, 9745, Adventist World Radio, French from 2000-2030 and
English program from 2030-2059. English program has been carrying a VERY
interesting series about marriage and family relations in the African
cultures. Good clean signal into northeast Ohio. (Silvi, February 23 & many
other recent dates)
ALBANIA, 9750, Radio Tirana in presumed Albanian with interval signal signon
at 2127. Many mentions of Tirana and Albania at signon. (Silvi, February 23)
UNID, 9745, Audible the instant AWR via Meyerton signs off at 2059 in what
sounds like possible Arabic or similar language. Alternating Male and female
announcers with occasional music. Mention of "Amen, Hallelulia" at the end
of what sounded like a prayer at 2148. At 2159 it sounded like the announcer
said "... transmitte Africa ...." & gave what sounded like an address (?).
Still on at 2200+. (Silvi, February 20)
Lee Silvi, POBox 982, Mentor, OH 44061
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