[HCDX]: Re. Ukraine 1674
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[HCDX]: Re. Ukraine 1674

Hi Julius,
it seems we have been on the same wavelength :-).

The station list you're using forgets to mention
the other Ukraine station on 837. But WRTH,
although being far from complete, gives relatively
good info about UKR stations. We are talking about
two different transmitter sites on 837. One in
Ternivka, Kharkivska obl., with 150 kW carrying UR2
program. The other is in Chernivtsi, Chernivetska
obl., with 30 kW carrying UR2 and regional programs
in Ukrainian (id as Radio Bukovina) and Romanian.
The regional program starts around 0700. Before that
they seemingly relay UR2 network. So, I believe
the faulty (or mistuned) tx with harmonic is that
30 kW one in Chernivtsi. The reason you heard parallel
program on 837 that time, might simply be that you actually
heard also the 150 kW Ternivka tx carrying the UR2 program,
as did Chernivtsi tx until 0700 or so. And the reason
I did not hear the fundamental on 837 is that the 150 kW
Ternivka with UR2 program totally covered the Chernivtsi
regional program. In addition, the 30 kWer possibly was so
mistuned/faulty that it did put a lot of its power to 1674.
Complicated? -not at all.
I heard R Bukovina on 1674 also Feb.21 and 22 around
1600 but when rechecking at 1800 it was gone both days.

Jari Savolainen
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