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>  SOMALIA  7213V Radio Banaadir

This frequency might be a hint that the long awaited station that bought its 
equipment in Germany late last year has finally come on the air. If so, power 
should be around 1 kW into an L-antenna. Thanks for the tip!
>  The new Radio Station Radio Banaadir S.on at 16.00 with organ Mx 
>  then ID and announcement followed by recital of koran then tlk and 
>  songs 18.45  Organ Mx ID before Nx then ID again as Radio Banaadir 
>  Somalia ..... Africa ....Meterband....Then again Radio Banaadir....
>  Africa and just after that African and International Nx bulletin 
>  ID after Nx and went off at 19.00 after recital of koran. poor reception.
>  Mahendra Vaghjee - 25 February 2000

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