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LOGS ON 26-2  That s a date  with high sunspot level !

MYANMAR 5985.85	Myanmar , nice YL  voice in EG @1445 with news and govt 
politics for devpt then ? tha?s news from ? YOU are tuned to ?? followed  by 
music 1450 man s voice was not understandable. Very nice to listen once again 
with better signal 23332 S3 mean with S6 max On 1455 Albania with S20 ?.. 
Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

UnID ed 4886.6 1502 with hindi music 1456 with vice sounded as turkic Spurius? 
Fair  signal Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

XIZANG 4825 PBS Lhasa ¯YL  with slow talks 1504 , fair Russia  underneath 
Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

VIETNAM 4960 Viet #2 1510 nice viet  songs under AIR . Both S2 max S 3 ,22322 
ON 1554 AIR is strong enough as 33233 Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

INDIA 4990 AIR ?? 1520 man in hindi with talks 24132 Liangas 26-2 Retziki 

GEORGIA 5040  R Khara? 1525 songs of turkic type 1550  Ided as R Khara or the 
same Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

CHINA 4950 V of Pujiang (t) 1555  traditional songs SIO 112 under AIR , AIR 
news on 1600 in EG at 34433 [S7] Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

INDONESIA 4925 RRI Jambi 1556 with dangdut songs , OM. Giving info on song  
then conection with RRI Jakarta SCI follwed 34333 [S5] with excellent audio ( a 
little bassy) First time listened at a so good level !Liangas 26-2 Retziki 

RUSSIA 4895 R Rosii 1600 OM  with ID and news 34243 [S7] Liangas 26-2 Retziki 

PAKISTAN 4790 R Pakistan 1605 news in EG ?this is R pakistan? with islam 
program [S7.5] 34333 Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

Cland 10270 V of Mujahed? 1654 hymns , man in Farsi giving refs to Rafsanjani 
At 1657  station  jammed but no signal  found anywhere  in that band . What are 
they trying to do in this freq band? Liangas 26-2 Retziki Greece

PAKISTAN 9593 R Pakistan 1944 westernized indian songs !!! 1950 dictation news( 
very slow)  in FR  on Kashmir /Pakistan  adress and hymn 43433Liangas 26-2 
Retziki Greece

Zacharias Liangas		pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, 
www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/2638 : 
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm 
pirates.htm  tv-litoh.html thesfm.htm  tvstat.htm biblio.htm  
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks) 

pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75, Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D ,Yupiteru MVT7100, Philips 2935 
antena 6 m & 11 m 
accesories: handmade ATU,MFJ 1040 preselector,MFJ1025 noise canceller , MFJ 752c filter audio ,  MFJ16010 ATU
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