[HCDX]: R Rivadavia + noise blanker operation!
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[HCDX]: R Rivadavia + noise blanker operation!

LOGS 28-2 

ARGENTINA 15820  R Rivadavia on LSB ( as perWWDXC#453) was heard also in Greece but too 
poor 2050 with phones ins in  nearly all  the program as heard till 2230 , with intervals 
 from adverts and 2116 with news headlines . Signal was <24131 or S5.5 with preamp at+ 16 
db  which is the local noise level 
To my impression  the Noise Blanker  cancelled out a level of 10 db or more of the noise 
leaving  the signal still with  60% of noise with a signal of S1.5 ( at +16 db preamp) 
This station  is not found on the WRTH . Does anyone know their address? 

RNArgetina  was not found on 15475

TANZANIA 5050 R Tanzania 17-21 program in vernacular full of discussions for the 17-1800  
times  then with music prg, instead of news every top of hour Fair signal with QRM in 
both sides ( 50 Hz TTY on LSB , carrier on USB ) lower after 1900 . On 2100 covered by 
Haixia PBS 
Zacharias Liangas		pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, 
www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/2638 : 
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm 
pirates.htm  tv-litoh.html thesfm.htm  tvstat.htm biblio.htm  
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks) 

pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75, Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D ,Yupiteru MVT7100, Philips 2935 
antena 6 m & 11 m 
accesories: handmade ATU,MFJ 1040 preselector,MFJ1025 noise canceller , MFJ 752c filter audio ,  MFJ16010 ATU
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