[HCDX]: Madagascar on all night
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[HCDX]: Madagascar on all night

Finally nailed this log after listening all evening:

MADAGASCAR 5009.5 Radio Madagascar 0215 Malagasy-style music, including Salegy (musical style from the northern highlands), also Jean-Michel Jarre synth music, OM in what sounded like French, ID @ TOH "Radio Madagasikara ity" very fast, into news by YL in presumed Malagasy; fading by ten minutes past 0249 sunrise in Tana, but still quite readable at TOH; almost completely gone by 0330; station was heard all night, as early as 2230, again from 0015-0130 (Brandi March 2)

Ralph Brandi  ralph@xxxxxxxxxx  webmaster@xxxxxxxxx  http://www.anarc.org/

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