[HCDX]: 4940 China Huayi BC QSL
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[HCDX]: 4940 China Huayi BC QSL

Hi all,

just received a form letter in Chinese from
China Huayi Broadc Corp in one month to my
follow-up of a year old report in EE. Used
one USD for rp. No v/s, only station official
stamp. The letter mentions following frequencies
for CHBC: 4830, 4940, 6185 and 11590 kHz.

The handwritten address on the envelope is:
China Huauy Broadc. Corp
P.O.Box 251
Fuzhou  Fujian 350001
China Peoples Republic.
So, nothing new in it, except the spelling
of Huauy, which might as well be a typo.

They have been a poor verifier, so its good
time to try qsl them now.

Maybe somebody on the list can read Chinese and
could translate the letter text for me. Just to
make sure its QSL and not a "thanks for the money,
please send more" -note :-)
If you can do that, please e-mail me direct and 
I'll send you a file.

Jari Savolainen
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