[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-38 March 13
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[HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-38 March 13

	DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-38, March 13, 2000
		edited by Glenn Hauser

{Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing
full credit be maintained at all stages}

WORLD OF RADIO on RFPI: Additional time this quarter, March-April-
May: Wed 2300, repeating Thu 0700, 1500. More below under COSTA RICA.

** AFGHANISTAN. Glen: Russian DXers confirm that The Voice of Sharia
has indeed begun Russian broadcasting on March 7. The programs are
heard 16:30 to 17:00 UTC on 7074v kHz. The frequencies announced by
the station are 7000 and 1107 kHz. The reception throughout Russia is
poor, with a lot of interference from HAM operators. VoS' poor
modulation doesn't help, either. 73! (Sergei Sosedkin, MI, March 10,

** AUSTRIA. ROI Wien is radiating on 7570.0 a strong mixing product
of the German program, observed 11 March from 0830 to 1230. That is,
13720 minus 6145 = 7575 (Hans-Joachim Koch, Niddatal, Germany,
mentally translated by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL: 9630.12, Radio Nazare FM, via Radio Aparecida; 0749-0800
reportada el 04/MAR/2000. Señal regular e ID: "ZYD216 Radio Nazare FM
91.3 MHz falando ... diferente, integrada a Red Mariana de
Evangelizacao." A 0800 UTC continua Radio Aparecida. (Takayuki Inoue
Nozaki, Japon, Conexion Digital via DXLD) I believe there should be
an acute on the E of Nazare, nah-zah-REH (gh)

** CANADA. RCI will be moving [back] into the Maison de Radio-Canada
during April, from the building they have been occupying for some 20
years. Hope this will not cause any disruptions in programming (Bill
Westenhaver, CKUT International Radio Report March 12 via gh, DX

** CONGO DR. I heard Radio Liberte on 15725 kHz UPPER SIDEBAND on
three consecutive days 6th-8th March (*1805-2305*), and a colleague
heard it on the 5th. However, this was with poor reception due to a
weak signal, even on the professional equipment and antenna systems I
have access to (Dave Kernick, UK, March 11, hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** CONGO DR. Radio Tele Liberté, Tentative, 15725v, 21.00-21.30,
Afropop songs and TK in French. The signal was fairly good but
intelligibility was very poor due to a low modulation. Only music was
easy to copy but only until 2130 when modulation become almost
nonexistent. Rechecked at 2300 the situation remained unchanged: fair
signal but very low audio. S/OFF at 2304 (Antonello Napolitano,
Taranto, Italy, March 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. Hi Glenn, Well, you're probably chomping at the bit
re: our new broadcast schedule for Mar - May. Well, WOR and COM do
not see any changes this quarter EXCEPT an additional airing of WOR
Wednesday at 2300 for the remaining of this quarter. The University
of the Air in on hiatus. Our Mailbag also sees an additional airing
on Thursday at 2300.

A new program on RFPI, "Honoring Mother Earth: Indigenous Voices"
focuses on protecting Mother Earth, defending native lands and
indigenous peoples throughout the world while presenting the
situations facing native peoples. Native news, interviews, music,
commentaries and investigative reports are central to the show. The
program serves to protect Sacred Mother Earth and the traditional
cultural life ways of indigenous peoples throughout the world.
Airtimes: Monday, 2030; Friday, 1600. RFPI web site: new shows from
the Global Community Forum, Millennium Dreams, the Tropical
Conservation Newsbureau, Mailbag and of course the Progressive News
Network are now available. Hope you had a great weekend! (Joe

** COSTA RICA. RFPI, 25930-USB, was not only on the air, but audible
as late as 0415 UT Sat March 11, including new CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-
02 at 0300, new WORLD OF RADIO 1027 at 0330, and new RFPI Mailbag at
0400. MUFs were really skewed high this night, as 15049 was much
better than 6975, also avoiding T-storm clashes on lower band (Glenn

** ECUADOR. 2480.24, Radio Sonorama (harmonic 2x1240) 0946, Andean
vocals, canned ID, fast talking announcer. Drifting slightly. Good
peaks (Mark Mohrmann, VT, Mar 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. RFI, 25820, with best signal yet this cycle, March 13
1250-1300* closing with IS; better than DW 25740 which had
Ostseewetter, past 1300 with news in German. Both were rather choppy
but dynamic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JORDAN. DX Information from the British DX Club. Further checks on
Radio Jordan seem to show English schedule as: To Europe and North
America: 1100-1300 on 17680 1300-1730 on 11690 (Tony Rogers,

** MEXICO. Strong winds last Thursday caused antennas of R. Mil to
collapse. This affects the Nucleo Radio Mil MW stations (R. Mil, La
Pantera, and R. Sinfonola). The SW XEOI 6010 antenna is also on the
side. So far, only XEOY 1000 kHz is back on the air, low power with
backup antenna. We hope the regular antenna will be back up shortly
so R. Mil can resume regular MW and SW broadcasts.

Last Sunday I heard R. Transcontinental de America back on 4802, with
very bad modulation (Hector Garcia Bojorge, Mexico City, March 11, DX

** PERU. 4750.10, Radio San Francisco Solano 0219-0257, A rare catch
here, finally ID'ed. Andean vocals, announcer with TC's and ID's in
passing between songs. 0227 short canned ID over song. 0253 announcer
with live closing announcement over nice guitar instrumental,
followed by a final vocal, and carrier off at 0257. Some SSB QRM,
slight warble on carrier. Fair to good signal (Mark Mohrmann, VT, Mar

** ROMANIA. Romania Actualitati domestic service now heard around
0210 with strong spurs from 7145.0, March 10 on 7090.3, 7035.7 and
7200. Carrier is very unstable and varying up to 2 kHz. Also with a
very loud buzz (Hans-Joachim Koch, Germany, March 11, translated by

** RUSSIA. BBCM checked 29160 kHz today at 1300-1330 gmt - it is
parallel with the satellite feed of Russia's Radio/Radio Rossii.

Our last full schedule of Russia's Radio had 9720 kHz listed in use
from 0600-1500 GMT: The HFCC [High Frequency Co-ordination Committee]
at http://www.hfcc.org/data/index.html have the transmitter sites as
code RIA, Riazan (Ryzan), 54N37 039E41, Southwest of Moscow booked on
9720 kHz: 9720 0630 1500 RIA 240 240 kW RUS RRS (Chris McWhinnie,
Editor 'World Media', Foreign Media Unit, BBC Monitoring, DX

** RUSSIA. Hi, some remarks about the discussed 9720 outlet of Radio
Rossii [harmonics on 19440, 29160]: It originates from a 100 kW
transmitter in Moscow area, which currently operates 0200-0600 on
6110, 0630-1500 on 9720 and 1530-2200 on 6060. The azimuth is 240
degrees, straight into Belarus, where Radio Rossii was two years ago
kicked off MW 873 and replaced by Belaruskaje Radyjo 2, while Radio
Odin Kultura is still carried there on LW 171, presumably without
paying any transmitter rent. Remember that Radio Rossii was founded
in 1991 as counterbalance to the Ostankino apparatus. In 1997 a
Yeltsin edict stipulated a shut-down of Ostankino`s first network,
but Radio Odin (= One) continued to broadcast as commercial station
with supplemented name.

In detail these 240 degree transmissions used to originate from
Chkalovskoye, but Olle Alm found back in last year indications for a
move to another Moscow area site, perhaps Kurovskoye. Anyway 100 kW
"Sneg" model transmitters of old design tend to put out harmonics.

Regarding Volgograd, for my best knowledge no shortwave broadcasts
originate from there anymore. Radio Mayak used a 100 kW transmitter
at Volgograd, which is now off the air since Mayak left shortwave
completely, as far as it "own" transmitters are concerned. At
Volgograd also the commercial Radio Vedo was on shortwave through
former jamming transmitters but is now already since some five years
broadcasting on MW and FM only. Radio Vedo used to rebroadcast the
former "VoA Europe" network, back in 1994 resulting in some German
DXers baffled by hearing this programme on 13710 kHz (Kai Ludwig,
Germany, March 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Glenn, you will remember that I told you at the end of Feb
about Radio Rossii [5905 kHz] having fifth harmonic [29525 kHz]
propagating long distances during European afternoons. The whole
thing came to a head when high MUF conditions allowed the harmonic to
propagate across the Atlantic, interfering with the input frequency
of the Boston Amateur 10M Repeater W1OJ. When I identified the source
station of the offending harmonic for Roger Perkins/Owner of W1OJ, he
drafted and circulated a diplomatically toned letter, for forwarding
to Radio Rossii.

Well, once again it looks as if the proactive pen has been mightier
than the sword as a strategy. I have not heard the Rossii harmonic at
all the past three local afternoons, while the legitimate fundamental
frequency has been audible. I wonder if this promising news can be
corroborated in the USA?
However, Radio Rossii is in hot water over another one of its
services as per the report in your DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-37, March
9, 2000, source Radio Society of Great Britain GB2RS News. Re the
content of fundamental frequency 9720 kHz being heard also on
harmonics 19440 & 29160, it says: "...station is being heard in the
exclusive amateur band on 29.160 MHz...tentative suggestion is that
it is Radio Rossii..."

There's nothing tentative about it, as far as this SWL is concerned.
The 29160 nuisance signal is easy to hear at my QTH, with lots of
"Radio Rossii" IDs to be heard if you hang around long enough, and of
course word-for-word paralleling of the fundamental. The GB2RS News
is right about 19440 too, but it was very much the weaker of the pair
of harmonics when I listened.

Here's something interesting: this Sat 11 Feb, 1225 - 1229 UT, R.
Rossii broadcast an English-to-Russian translated "interview" with
the BBC's Mark Byford [last time I looked he was BBC Director of
Regional Broadcasting]. Here's my transcript of what he said, as
heard on proper 9720 AND improper 3rd harmonic 29160 kHz [unreliable
bits bracketed]:

"...I'm delighted to be here with you. It's a great pleasure and a
privilege to be broadcasting this afternoon. We believe that the
relationship between Radio Russia and the BBC is one of partnership.
For many, many years the BBC as you know, has been a shortwave
broadcaster across the world, relaying its own programmes. The
partnerships with local and national broadcasters across the world
has become increasingly important. We now have more than one thousand
new broadcasting partnerships across the [globe]. Maybe I shouldn't
say this to other rebroadcasters, and I'm not just saying this
because I'm speaking to you in Moscow here, but I think the
partnership with Radio Russia is of fundamental importance to us.
[.....listeners] across Russia who obviously enjoy all of Radio
Russia output, but also to have the added dimension of having
programmes from the BBC. We recognise the number of things that that
partnership can bring. This is [a huge thing] for Russia and of
course Radio Russia reaches the whole. [With] the kind of programming
that we try to produce, there is a phrase, I don't know if it's
relevant in Russia, it takes two to tango. So, I [see that while] we
are obviously providing material to the station and output, we hope
it's of [the highest] quality and interest, we hope it's
appropriately tailored to the listeners' needs, of course you'd
expect me to say this, we hope it upholds the worldwide reputation of
the BBC itself and we're able to reach the audiences that you already

Totally innocent Mr. Byford couldn't possibly have been aware of the
deep sense of irony attending to some of his remarks for a SWL
hearing him on that madly out of band 29160 kHz. By the way, every
time Mr. Byford mentioned "Radio Russia", the translator obliged with
"Radio Rossii". Who needs official IDs with clues like that? For the
record, there were loud-and-clear official station IDs at 1244 UT and
after 1300 UT time pips (Finbarr O'Driscoll, Ireland, DX LISTENING

** URUGUAY. SODRE was created in 1929; today it has a TV network
covering the entire country, originating on channel 5 in Montevideo;
three MW stations each with a SW parallel: CX6 on 650 with CXA6 on
9620; CX26 1050 with CXA4 6125; and CX38 1290 with CXA14 on 15275,
currently inactive; and an FM on 97.1 MHz. Of interest to DXers is
that Mon-Fri CX26 [1050] in parallel with CXA14 [sic: 15275; means
CXA4 as above on 6125??] between 1000 and 1100 UT broadcast channel
5`s 7 am newscast audio, allowing it to be accessed on SW (Gabriel
Gómez, Montevideo, Uruguay, translated by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. DX Information from the British DX Club. The
Polisario station National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic
Republic heard from tune-in at 2150 tonight (Sunday 12 March) with
Saharan music, full ID and news in Arabic at 2200 on new 7470 kHz -
fair signal strength but quite low mod. Also confirmed at same time
in parallel on 1540 kHz mediumwave (very weak but occasionally
audible in peaks) using the Wellbrook K9AY loop. National Radio of
the SADR has reportedly used various shortwave frequencies in the
past (probably only sporadically) , but has rarely been confirmed by
DXers on SW. The MW frequency has also been absent during the past
couple of weeks - it recently moved from 1550 to 1540 kHz and now
suffers bad splatter in the UK from the various European stations on
1539. 7470 is still clear - 100% audible - as I am about to post this
at 2220. (Thanks to Noel Green, Wolfgang Bueschel and Chris Greenway
for earlier tips on 7470) 73s (Dave Kenny, Caversham, England, DX

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. National Radio of the Saharan Arab
Democratic Republic is also on 7470 kHz in the evening, heard on 12th
March from 2230 tune-in to sign-off at 2359. Good reception till
2300, then disturbed by co-channel Radio Free Asia. You can hear an
audio clip of this station in the Clandestine section of the Interval
Signals Archive at http://.home.clara.net/dkernick (Dave Kernick, UK,
hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. DX Information from the British DX Club.
Heard what I presume is the Polisario station on 7470 this morning
(13 March). Tune-in to Quran at 0702, brief anns in Arabic, then
several North African-type songs, news in Arabic at 0730 mentioning
"dimuqratiyah" and "maghribiyah" several times, but no clear ID
heard. Signal seemed to peak nicely around 0730 for me, but lost
intelligibility by about 0750 (which was before sign-off 0801
observed by WB). (Tony Rogers, BDXC-UK E-Mail News via DXLD)

Nacional de la R.A.S.D. in Arabic with national anthem, Quran
prayers, traditional music and news, excellent signal (S9+20), slight
interference by CW signal, 0700-0750, 13 Mar (thanks Wolfgang Büschel
for this tip!!) Vy 73, (Enzio Gehrig, Spain, hard-core-dx via DXLD)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Re: 7470 - Polisario?? Yes, sure.
From all corners DX friends tell me also about an evening outlet on
7470, at 1800 UTC, and also 2230. For sure that should be a POLISARIO
Radio Station outlet. I miss a little bit pieces of Spanish language,
as usually broadcast on their MW stn some fifteen years ago in 1983-
1991, when I listened often to during my leisure time in Tenerife Isl
or on Algarve coast in Portugal.  73 wb

___________________ from Chris Greenway: ___________
Thanks for the audio clip, Wolfgang. It's very hard to make out the
announcements isn't it? One possibility is the SADR (Polisario)
radio. This is scheduled for 0700-0900 with news in Arabic at 0730. I
can't think which other national station from that part of the world
would just come on for a single hour. Chris

___________________ from Noel Green wrote today: ___________
During the news at 0730 there was a great deal about the Mahgreb and
'Sahara'.  There seems to be three words associated with the latter
(phonetically) - "Saha", " Zakaharia" or "Sakaharia" and "Sahara-
oui". These are repeated often. Could it be a station broadcasting to
the disputed Western Sahara. There is/was one on MW 1544 and recent
reports of a station on 1389. Are we now hearing a SW outlet too? The
signal was good today 12th at 0725 tune in.  However, audio was very
very weak after the news from 0739 but the "anthem" at 0759 suddenly
boomed out at close. There is an Arabic speaker on 7470 evenings
around 1930, but splash and then co-ch have prevented an ID of this -
maybe it's the same one????

___________________ from Olle Alm wrote today: ___________

I listened to 7470 Saturday evening from 2158 to 2235. As far as I
could make out there were no identifications at all - they just
switched from one programme to another. The long newscast mentioned
Maghreb (Morocco) and Sahrawi very frequently, and my impression is
that this is the Polisario radio just as Chris G suggests. Olle (all
via Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Right now at 2240 there is again something
on 7470 with rather shallow audio, suffering from 7475-Kavala slop
but sounding like Arabic, so seems to be the discussed station.

Around 1994, when they already had a shortwave outlet (somewhere on
31 metres) Haiko Hebig, who regrettably widely withdrew from the
active scene in the meantime, did more listening to this station,
using his Spanish skills, which are undoubtedly better than my
English. Perhaps I manage to find his rather detailed report amongst
all the old writings.

The A00 Merlin schedule includes two odd entries: Tue and from Thu to
Sun 1730-1800 15560 from Grigoriopol/MDA to western Asia; Thu and Fri
1800-1900 6130 from Skelton/UK to Africa. No doubt the 15560 entry
refers to Radio Internationale, which is currently on 7520, looks
like Merlin simply brokered the Grigoriopol transmitter. But who will
use the Thu and Fri only slots on 6130? Both 6130 and 15560 are
simply listed as "Merlin", without mentioning a certain customer.
(Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Cf DXLD 00-36 NIGER(?)

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