RE: [HCDX]: Listening rresults from Northern California
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RE: [HCDX]: Listening rresults from Northern California

Wondering where you are located...I am in Davis and am having a real tough
time noise levels, was wondering if you have any noise issues?


>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Thomas B. Roach [mailto:sigint@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent:	Monday, March 20, 2000 4:44 AM
> To:	Hard-Core-DX
> Subject:	[HCDX]: Listening rresults from Northern California
> I recently bought back my Watkins-Johnson HF-1000 from the friend I sold
> it to, and decided to totally upgrade my listening post. I was entranced
> by reports of very much improved listening conditions and decided to
> return to this great hobby.
> I have on order the Sherwood SE-3 and if the remarks about this unit are
> as accurate as the rest of the material I read on the HF-1000 in the
> Passport 2000, I am sure I will be more than pleased. I have had an Alpha
> Delta DX-SWL Sloper antenna laying under the house in storage for almost
> four years. It has been hauled out and installed with the top end about 60
> feet of the ground in, and the bottom about 15 feet above the ground in
> nearby pine trees. 
> I was astounded by the improved reception on the HF-1000. If nothing else,
> the shielded antenna totally removes any interference from my nearby PC. I
> am routinely hearing stations I once dreamed about, such as several Mid
> East transmitters [Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan] and signals from India. The
> reception of PNG is also enhanced. I had bought the 60 foot long version
> to help with 90 and 120 meter stations, and it sure works. Before using
> the shielded antenna I had discounted, for the most part, the “noise”
> problems with the old HF-1000. I had eliminated [?] a lot of this problem
> by taking my audio from the headphone jack. Nevertheless the improved
> “noiseless” signals I get now made me eat a very healthy portion of crow!
> I still have a 150 ft inverted “L” 100 feet above the ground connected to
> my old reliable NRD-525. A/B antenna comparison tests with Alpha Delta
> proved devastating to the beloved inverted “L”.
> I also noted with pleasure Glenn Hauser’s remarks earlier this year
> regarding precision RF measurement. I have routinely been measuring RF’s
> with plus/minus 0ne Hz precision since I bought the HF-1000 shortly after
> it came on the market. I originally purchased a real low cost Rubidium
> frequency standard and locked the HF-1000 to this external reference. I
> continue to keep results of my measurements of tropicals, the signals I
> find most enhanced in terms of ID by such measurements, in a Microsoft
> Access data base. I am now using a quartz crystal frequency standard,
> which costs a lot less than the Rubidium did [it eventually burned itself
> out]. The quartz works fine and I verify all results by using WWV to
> calibrate just before I measure the RF.  RF measurement is done by “free
> running” an oscilloscope trace at 750 Hz, then putting the receiver in CW
> mode with a 750 Hz offset and tuning the receiver till a single sine wave
> is stopped on the oscilloscope trace. If there is any doubt about the
> measurement, I take the receiver bandwidth down to 56 Hz hopefully
> eliminating any ghostly “heterodynes” or other embarrassing “anomalies”
> that can put egg on your face. 
> I also use a Singer Spectrum Analyzer [Model MF-5] with a 455 kHz
> Panoramic Ultrasonic [Module UR-3] pre-amplifier. The 455 kHz receiver IF
> goes directly to the input. Trust me, you can see with absolutely no
> doubt, the presence of signals that are effectively inaudible! I bought
> five of these units, some with 10.7 mHz pre-amps, for about $220 total
> from a friend,. I keep one, or more running, by pirating parts as needed.
> I also purchased the Ergo control software. I can’t get it to work, and
> will have to find out why I can’t “talk” to the HF-1000. Hope it is
> something simple!
> I’m using the Klingenfuss 1998 CD-ROM database, which is incredibly
> useful. I have the Klingenfuss 2000 version on order, so will be even more
> pleased with its utility.
> I routinely record all signals on a Sony DAT TCD-D7 digital tape recorder.
> This is great for SWL as it automatically provides a date/time record of
> exactly what was present from the receiver output. 
> I also note, with pleasure, that all sorts of listening aids such as
> spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, etc. are often to be found at excellent
> prices on eBay
> Well all this means nothing if you don’t report something, so here goes:
> 3/20/2000
> All ID’s based on typical reception patterns, Passport 2000 or Klingenfuss
> 1998 CD-ROM, or station’s ID [if given].
> 5995.006 R. Australia [Brandon] 1018Z
> 2410.001 R. Enga [Wabag] PNG 1019Z male announcer playing typical island
> music; SINPO 25242; at 1040Z still there with more island music; at 12:30Z
> completely gone.
> 7269.952 R. Malaysia [Srawak Kuching] ; 1028 peppy music female with
> chorus interspersed with male announcer; -85 dBm; SINPO 43443; ID at 1030Z
> with time pips; presumably language Iban. Still present and quite
> listenable at 12:45Z.
> 3204.966 R. Sandaun [Vanimo] PNG guitar and island music; SINPO 35343.
> I’ve checked for this signal for the last few days, and usually nothing is
> there. I’m surpassed that the RF is so far off the mark. This is NOT
> normal for PNG stations which are normally close to “on frequency”, i.e.
> within about 4 Hz. ID heard at 11:00:50Z with typical drum beat followed
> by female announcer. 
> 12085.010 V. of Mongolia [Ulan Bator]  1113Z best heard in USB at 2.8 kHz
> bandwidth; 1119Z female announcer heard; 1120Z female singing typical
> Chinese [?] song, presumably praising her tractor or meeting her
> production quota for the joy of the people. 
> 2309.999 R. Australia [Alice Springs] with music at 1146Z; checks for
> Tennant Creek and Katherine unproductive. 
> 2360.033 R. Maya de Barillas [presumably] Huehuetenango, Guatemala; guitar
> music; SINPO 25232; this is supposedly a 250 watt station!
> 3344.782 RRI Ternate [Maluku], Indonesia male and females singing animated
> pop tune; 1232Z “Moulin Rouge” [I think] being played.
> 4890.003 Port Moresby, PNG with news in English at 1300Z. Some weirdo
> yowling what sounds like “Diane, Diane, Diane” ad infinitum and ad
> nauseum, in background. Oh, good news, China [PRC brand] has just been
> reported on the news as promising PNG eternal love and friendship. PNG
> better vote right and not find and disputed oil supplies off shore if they
> want the adoration to continue.
> 5925.000 V. of Vietnam 1317Z male in Vietnamese [monologue] ; QRM from IS
> at 1327Z.
> Now hearing India on 11619.997 KHz at 1343Z. Time to go!
> Thomas B. Roach
> Somewhere in the Sierra mountain foothills
> PGP key upon request
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