[HCDX]: weekend DX: Ceuta back to 1583.6 kHz
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[HCDX]: weekend DX: Ceuta back to 1583.6 kHz

I did a bit of DXing Saturday from Orleans, MA on
the Cape.  At sunset it was "wall-to-wall" Spain.
Also noted: big signals from Italy-846, Switzerland-765,
& Holland-747 as well as a number of stations from UK,
Germany, Morocco, Algeria, etc.  

Ceuta has drifted back down to 1583.6 kHz from 1584.

There was nothing really new or rare.  Lower Africans
were limited to poor signals from Angola-1502 and
Guinea-1385.92.  The "fetch" to the Middle East wasn't
as good as two weeks previous.  Israel-1206 was fighting
to hold its audio above the slop from VOAR/nulled WPHT.
The big 864 Egyptian was running a respectable S9 (not
the massive S9+30 levels noted on some outings).  Despite
auroral predictions, it seemed rather non-auroral to me.
French Canadians (like CHNC-610) boomed in.  Latin
Americans were generally a "bust" with only a few of the
big Venezuelans (750, 1020, etc.).  Typical Caribbeans
like ZIZ-555, V.O.Nevis-895, and ZDK-1100 were good.
There was a nice signal from the religious Bermudan on
1280, though BBC-1160 was getting blitzed by WVNJ et al.
I'll add more loggings in 2 weeks before I send out the
"big report".  Jean Burnell said that he might do some
DX this weekend from NF; we'll have to see how that went.

I added a few more Real Audio files to my site (URL
below).  These include a few US stations heard from
Ireland in 1977.  I've got an almost limitless
collection of audio going back to the '60s.  I've
got to find a Web host that'll give me storage of
10 Megs or more, then I'll need much more free
time than I have now.

73 / good DX ... Mark


Mark Connelly - WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA
e-mail: MarkWA1ION@xxxxxxxxxx 
homepage: http://members.aol.com/MarkWA1ION/weblink.htm
Real Audio DX files: http://members.aol.com/WA1ION/real_aud.htm
RF circuit page: http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/index.html
Newfoundland DXpedition page:
Cape Cod bandscan page: http://members.xoom.com/MarkWA1ION/capecod.htm
music lists: http://members.aol.com/WMEX1510/musiclists.htm


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