Re: [HCDX]: Sicily On SW
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Re: [HCDX]: Sicily On SW

At 01.25 4.4.2000 +0200, Salvo wrote:
>Hello, ciao,
>RAI Sicily is on line 0400-2200 on 189, 567, 1035, 6060 KHz.
>Almost Hourly (at 0500, 1000 utc and so on) on 567 and 189 there is a local
>news bolletin ("Gazzettino di Sicilia", Radioregione Giornale Radio della
>I'm happy that you want hear Sicily!

Could you please tell me the exact times? Acc. to WRTH they have them only
(UTC for summer) 
0520 on 567, 1062 and 1332 kHz (NOT on 189 kHz)
1010 on 189 and other Radiodue Sicily fq's.

You say they have local news almost hourly. What are the other exact times?

73, Mauno
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