[HCDX]: TFW 104 1/4
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[HCDX]: TFW 104 1/4
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright Part 1
Year 5 Number 104 - Rome, 11 April 2000
FAX: +39 06 5126262
E-MAIL: gio.ser@xxxxxxxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line - Copyright - DX newsletter edited by
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.
TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting Specrum.
2) Subscription rate: as a non commercial newsletter,
there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of
DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or
transmitted with appropriate credit as well TFW as the last source,
unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome.
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line please,
drop me a line.
loggings in order of TIME; frequencies in kHz; times UTC;
ham codes as usual; Reporting signal quality: Loc = local
signal; E = excellent; G = good; F = fair; P = poor;
VP = very poor; A = avoid. (also in SINPO or SIO code)
FROM THE EDITOR- It is the time to relax with radiolistening for a brief
period....... I am just temporarily back with a regular TFW issue. Next
TFW issue 105 will be with tips of mine only. Thanks to all DX-Friends
around the world for continuing to e-mail their contribution !. Ed.
PAUL ORMANDY- Hi all, Report on Waianakarua DXpedition 2000 now on the
SPDXR web-site... see URL below and click on link on the Index
page...Cheers, Paul --- Join me for the "South Pacific DX Report" on
Radio New Zealand International, HCJB, AWR, and NZ's Radio Reading
Service - ZLXA. Full details available from the South Pacific DX
Resource web-site: http://radiodx.com/spdxr Or you can listen to
RNZI's "Mailbox" here: http://www.audionet.co.nz/ranz.html
(Any change of Equipment, Web Pages?? Please, drop me a line)
ARNALDO L.SLAEN, Buenos Aires, Argentina via e-mail, RX: Sony
ICF2010, Realistic DX150 y General Electric Superadio GIII (para onda
media) ANT.: hilo largo+ MFJ1045 C+Antena Activa Sony AN1
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy for Radiorama Pirate News,
via e - mail RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu FRT7700, Daiwa
AF606K, longwire 15 mt < http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <
http://www.radiorama.it >
CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA via e-mail RX: NRD535D and NRD525
ANT.: Longwire < http://www.flinet.com/~chuck/ >
DANIELE CANONICA, Muggio, Switzerland, via e-mail, RX: JRC 535 ANT.:
30 meter of LW and MLB
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for Dx Listening Digest via e-mail <
JEFF WHITE, Miami, FL, USA, WRMI, General Manager, Miami, Florida via
MARIE LAMB, Brewerton NY, USA, Host and Producer DXing with Cumbre, via
e-mail < http://www.whr.org> or < http://www.cumbredx.org.>
MARK MOHRMANN, Coventry, VT. USA via email, RX: NRD 535D ANT.:
V-Beam 130m @ 180 deg ---Welcome !
PEDRO F. ARRUNATEGUI, Lima, Peru for Chasqui DX via e-mail RX:
Icom IC-R 71 E ANT: 42 meters dipole
PLAY DX, Milano, Italy Edited by Dario Monferini, via snail mail
YIMBER GAVIRIA, Cali-Valle, Colombia, via e-mail, RX: ? ANT.: ? Web:
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail RX: Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D ANT: 20 m sloper ATU hand made - 11 m
hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU MFJ
1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas > SHORTED ! <
www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/2638 >
(in order of TIME)
0000- 3329.5 - PERU- R. Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco; 30/03 0000-0035
33333 advs político contratado que un huanuqueño llegue al congreso..."
ID "Este es un aviso contratado a Radio Ondas del Huallaga" mx ID
"Señoras y señores están en sintonía de Radio Ondas del Huallaga..." px
Democracia 2000 (Arrunategui, for Chasqui DX)
0007- 4800- ECUADOR- Radio Oriental,Tena, (New Fqy! Fqy var.) March 29
0007-0015,333, w/Time check "19 horas y 7 minutos...7 horas y 7
minutos...continuamos con "El Expreso de la Noche <Ballads music in
Spanish> hasta las 21.00 horas<0200 UT> slogan "Radio Oriental, su
Radio!" Note: New frequency,ex 4782 KHz. Note2:April 1, moving to 4802
at 0032 hs UT with Good reception here! announcing till "4780 KHz" RF!
5011 March 30 0020-0058,454,ERPE,In Quichua/Spanish,ID"Escuelas
Radiofonicas Populares del Ecuador".Note: Reactivated Frequency! 15140
March 29 1905-1918,555!,HCJB,w/soccer match Ecuador vs Venezuela.Noted:
parallel to 6050(fair to good). (Yimber Gaviria,Colombia)
0008- 7042- PERU- J Doble C, Marzo 26, 0008-0030*, 444,..."con saludos
... alla en Bogota,Colombia,cerrando con el Himno nacional a las 0029
UT.Nota: Ahora notada aqui en 7042,justo a las 0029 con QRM de HAM en
LSB<miren Radioaficionados 7042> (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
0010- 6820 - PERU- LV de las Huarinjas, Marzo 26 0010- 333, iniciando
con programa Invasion Musical,Nota:Nueva Frecuencia, Ex 7003 Khz.
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
0025- 6535.7- PERU- R. Difusora Huancabamba, Huancabamba; 23/03 0025
0025-0125 33333 ID "Un saludo para todos los hechiceros de parte de
Radio Difusora Huancabamba desde Huancabamba" mx ID "Ya son las 7 de la
noche y 38 minutos en Radio Difusora Huancabamba, la diferente, desde el
corazón de Huancabamba" px música sin frontera por Fredy Alberca Jubaja
ID "Radio Difusora Huancabamba estará entrando mas tarde en cadena con
Radio Andina y Radio Frecuencia Popular a través de la Cadena de la
Amistad, mas tarde nuestro programa el paisano. (Arrunategui, for
Chasqui DX)
0235- 4955- COLOMBIA- Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia,Bogota, Marzo
24, 0235-0240,4444,..."Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia presenta...La
Maravillosa America...desde Santafe de Bogota.en el corazon de
Colombia." (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
0242- 5019- COLOMBIA- Ecos del Atrato,Quibdo, Marzo 24, 0242- 333,notada
en esta aqui en paralelo a los 4966v con problemas en el en el
tranmisor?,retransmitiendo noticias de Caracol Colombia. (Yimber
Gaviria, Colombia)
0245- 6115 - COLOMBIA- LV del Llano,Villavicencio, Marzo 24,
0245-322,mezclandose con Radio Union. (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
0710- 6219 - PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits- March 26, Mx,ID in E 23332
(Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
0716- 6291 - PIRATE EUROPE- Level 48- March 26, Mx folk,ID in E 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
0722- 12256 - PIRATE EUROPE- Wrekin R.Int. March 26th , -Mx pop,ID in E
23322 (Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
0731- 7484 - PIRATE EUROPE- Level 48- March 26th ,Mx rock,ID in E 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
0750- 9721,5 - PERU- Radio Victoria, Lima. 0750-0801. April 02.
Religious programme in SS. 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
0805- 3325 - BRASIL- Super Radio Tupi, San Pablo. 0805-0808. April 02.
Religious programme.Music. 24342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
0814- 4985,3 - BRASIL-Radio Brasil Central, Goiania. 0814-0820. April
02. Selection of romantic music in PP. Ann. Cheek time. 24432 (Arnaldo
Slaen, Argentina)
0851- 6019,8- PERU- Radio Victoria Lima. 0851. April 02 de abril. Ann:
"porque nos importa el Peru, cada departamento....porque mucho amor al
Peru podemos dar...esta Dios en esta emisora". 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen,
0902- 4775 - BRASIL-Radio Congonhas, Congonhas. 0902-0910. April 02.
Religious programme. After, "Domingo Alegre". ID, regional music. Ann.:
"seis horas com sete em domingo Alegre". (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
0914- 5055,1 - BRASIL- Radio Difusora, Caceres, MT (Tentative).
0914-0920. April 02. Religious programme (canned by "Iglesia Pentecostal
de Matto Grosso do Sul") . 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
0927- 4836.05- BRAZIL (poss)- Unidentified 0927, Music, talk, maybe
ads, at threshold level. Portuguese sounding cadences, but nothing
definite. (Mohrmann, USA Apr 6)
0932- 9675 - PERU- Radio del Pacifico, Lima. 0932-0941. April 02.
Religious programme in SS. //4975 khz. 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
0940- 4926.51 -BOLIVIA- Radio San Miguel 0940, Announcer with talk, ID
in passing. Splatter from R. Quito on 4919. Good signal. (Mohrmann, USA
Apr 6)
0950- 4747,1 - PERU- Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta. 0950-1000. April 02.
Beautiful selection of huaynos. Ann.: "Son las cuatro de la mañana con
cincuenta y cuatro minutos en Radio Huanta 2000, en onda corta, en onda
media, en todo el Peru". After, ann. in quechua. (Arnaldo Slaen,
0958- 4019.93 -ECUADOR- La Voz de Su Amigo (t) - (3X1340) (harmonic)
0958-1032, Long inspirational talk program, "...de la Vida" with local
references to Esmeraldas. 1027 program closing announcement into
announcer with TC's and tentative ID. Good signal strength before 1025
fade. (Mohrmann, USA Apr 6)
0959- 2200.18 -COLOMBIA- Emisora Ideal - HJMK (2x1100) (harmonic) 0959,
Strong carrier at 0953, 0959 sign-on with 2 instrumentals into HJ anthem
at 1003 and sign-on ID. Possible mentions of "Caracol". Fair signal.
(Mohrmann, USA Apr 6)
1002- 4919,1 - ECUADOR- Radio Quito, La Voz de la Capital. 1002-1005.
April 02. The speaker read a article. ID. 43322 (Arnaldo Slaen,
1005- 4534.1 - PERU- R. Horizonte, Chiclayo; 31/03 1005-1025 33333 ID
"Radio horizonte, la emisora folklorica del norte." mxf huayno ID "Radio
Horizonte, la radio que conquista el corazón de la gente, usted nos esta
escuchando..." mxf. (Arrunategui, for Chasqui DX)
1008- 15325 - BRASIL- Radio Gazeta, San Pablo. 1008-1012. April 02.
Religious programme. Ann. 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
1009- 2950.32- PERU- Radio Ilucan - (2x1470) (harmonic) 1009, 2nd
harmonic of the nominal 1470 AM outlet, obviously off-frequency. Andean
song followed by clear sign-on ID. Weak and // powerful 5678. (Mohrmann,
USA Apr 6)
1015- 5055 - COSTA RICA- Faro del Caribe, San Jose. 1015-1021. April 02.
Music. Ann.: "....que Dios bendiga a todas las provincias de nuestro
pais....". 24422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
1025- 6125 - URUGUAY- SODRE, Montevideo. 1025-1032. April 02. Programme:
"El Rincon de los Payadores". Commentary about the next Feria del Prado.
24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
1030- 4463.69 -PERU- Radio Nor Andina 1030-1100 Noted steady music and
Spanish comments from a man, TC's break between tunes. Plenty of ID's
between tunes too. Signal was good. (Bolland, USA, March 26)
1130- 3204.97- PAPUA NEW GUINEA- Radio Sandaun 1130-1140 Noted comments
from a man during period. Signal was good. (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1055- 5460.3 -PERU- R. Bolívar, 8/04 1055-1140 33333 ID "Les damos las
cordiales bienvenida desde nuestro querido Bolívar, es una nueva
transmisión de Bolívar la Radio, bienvenidos una vez mas a su programa
Despertar andino" mxf advs OMPE, tu voto es secreto. (Arrunategui, for
Chasqui DX)
1134- 3344.83- INDONESIA- RRI Ternate Maluku, Presumed 1134-1145 Noted a
program of steady music. Signal was poor. (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1134- 3335-PAPUA NEW GUINEA- Radio East Sepik 1134-1145 Noted a program
of music and comments. Signal was good. (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1134- 3315-PAPUA NEW GUINEA- Radio Manus 1134-1150 Noted a program of
music and comments. Signal was good (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1135- 3355- PAPUA NEW GUINEA- Radio Simbu, Presumed 1135-1140 Noted
Steady music. Signal was fair. (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1138- 3960.2- INDONESIA- RRI PALU 1138-1145 Noted steady music here.
Signal was poor with QRM from AOR (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1139- 4000.12- INDONESIA- RRI Kendari 1139-1150 Noted a man in
Indonesian comments during period. Signal was fair. (Bolland, USA, March
1140- 4789.13- INDONESIA- RRI FakFak 1140-1155 Noted a program of
steady music. Signal was poor. (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1142- 4925- INDONESIA- RRI Jambi 1142-1155 Noted a woman in steady
Indonesian comments. Signal was fair. (Bolland, USA, March 18)
1145- 4693.2 - PERU- R. Cielo, 31/03 1028-1145 22222 mx ID "Esta usted
escuchando, Radio Cielo, claro Radio Cielo..." mx ID "Esta en sintonía
de Radio Cielo.." NOTA: la frecuencia varia ligeramente entre 4692.0 y
4693.2. Intente escucharlos entre 0040-0108 y no capte señal alguna,
esta estación parece peruana por la forma que habla el locutor, pero no
dan ningún advs, solo se identifica entre canción y canción.
(Arrunategui, for Chasqui DX)
1228- 5955- COLOMBIA- Caracol Villavicencio, Marzo 26, 1228- 454,con
programa religioso Movimiento Misionero Mundial". (Yimber Gaviria,
1438- 7480 - PIRATE EUROPE- TIOS via SWRS- March 25th, Mx,ID in E 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
1525- 7495- CHINA PR- CNR 2, Mar 27 , 1525 man and woman CC on prg "zu
endou jinian bo " then talks and opera songs . 34433 [S5] At 1600 with
usual 5+ 1 tones , hymn and woman closing xmission the usual CNR way
zhongyang ren min guanbo diantai ) NOTE: This QRG is not referred in
ILG database (Liangas, Greece)
1624- 3365- INDIA- AIR Delhi 1624 with classical music till 1730 then
with news " this is AIR" 1735 with traditional musuc and 1745 with
religious songs Fair (Liangas, Greece 28 March )
1634- 7530- UNID (poss SOMALIA)- Radio Hargeisa (tent in USB),
1634-1645 asian mx (arab ?), at 1637 female and male voice in local (?)
language, no ID, relative good signal, SIO 242 (Canonica, Switzerland,
Mar. 18)
1845- 3905- PIRATE EUROPE- Level 48 via SWRS in USB- March 25th, Mx,ID
in G,E(// 7600) 23232 (Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
1851- 7600 - PIRATE EUROPE- Level 48 via SWRS- March 25th, Mx,ID in G,E
33333 (Pecolatto, Italy For Radiorama Pirate News)
1920- 9640- VENEZUELA- Ecos del Torbes, March 29 1920-1925,343, Soccer
match Venezuela vs Ecuador.(Yimber Gaviria,Colombia)
2125- 6261- CLANDESTINE/COLOMBIA- Voz de la Resistencia-Bloque
Oriental,bc llanera , (fqy var) March 29 +2125- ,222, music and opening
tsms at 2130 hs UT w/usual "Companeros de la FARC" (Yimber
2135- 5019- COLOMBIA- Ecos del Atrato,Quibdo, March 29 2135- 222,noted
also with Spur frequency 4964v, Txer problem,I guess. Noted: Observed
2100-2300 hs UT. (Yimber Gaviria,Colombia)
2140- 6173.8- PERU-R. Tawuantisuyo, Cusco; 25/03 2140-2230 33333 mxf ID
"Desde Radio Tawuantisuyo que nos escuchan aquí en Cusco.." mx huayno px
en quechua y español ID "Radio Tawuantisuyo, necesita una locutora en
quechua..." (Arrunategui, for Chasqui DX)
2148- 4885 BRAZIL R Brazil Central ( reactivated? ) 2148 two men in
pitches , one continuing still on 2156 . 2200 onnection with radio de
Brazil and was partially // with 4885 , 4985 , 9694.5 33333 [S6]
(Liangas, Greece, 31 March)
2204- 4975- COLOMBIA- Ondas del Orteguaza,Florencia, Marzo 24, 2204-
444,Slogan "Ondas del Orteguaza,la emisora de toda la comunidad."
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
2210- 6035- COLOMBIA- LV del Guaviare,SJ del Guaviare, Marzo 24,2210-
343,,ID"...11-60 de su radio". (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
2210- 6173.8 -PERU- R. Tawuantisuyo, Cusco, 8/04 2210-2240 44444 ID
"Radio Tawuantisuyo, la voz de la expresión andina, transmitiendo desde
Cusco, Perú" mxf huayno px Así canta mi tierra ID "Son las 5 de la tarde
con 35 minutos, desde Radio Tawuantisuyo, Cusco, Perú.." mxf.
(Arrunategui, for Chasqui DX)
2230- 14565 -PIRATE LATIN AMERICA- Radio FLARS via RB in LSB, April 1,
2230-2300, 343,w/Argentinian folk music, ID en EE/SS or EE/PP,EE ID"
You're listening to Radio FLARS Radio Latin America Relay Station from
anywhere of Latin America...at 2359 hs with Radio Blandengue station ID
and s/off. (Gaviria, Colombia)
end of part 1
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