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- To: Cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: "Walter (Volodya) Salmaniw, MD" <salmaniw@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 22:57:19 -0700
- Cc: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, dxw@xxxxxxxxxxxx, merlinmmm@xxxxxxxxxxx, coffee@xxxxxxxxxxxx, dma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, mmcintosh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Nick_Hall-Patch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, VE7AVV@xxxxxxxx, seanh@xxxxx, salmaniw@xxxxxxxx, "eric floden" <efloden@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Glenn Dolding" <GLENN.DOLDING@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Don Moman" <ve6jy@xxxxxxxxx>, "Joe Talbot" <N52W113@xxxxxxxxxxx>, wghauser@xxxxxxxxx
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PAKISTAN 4790.40 Good reception at 1609 in English with "This program was
brought to you by ? corporation international, Pakistan", then into local
language with frequent mentions of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, then into
Radio Pakistan slow English news. (Salmaniw, 23 March).
CHINA 4980.24 presumed Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi,at 1618 with local music and
short voice bridges. Had to use USB to avoid CW on LSB. Sign off at 1648
after brief announcement. (Salmaniw, 23 March).
TAJIKISTAN 4940.0 Tajik relay of Voice of Russia world service with
English news over cochannel ?Chinese station. Good reception, parallel to
another Tajik relay on 4975 (fair, esp if using LSB). 1630. (Salmaniw, 23
ETHIOPIA 7165.25 Radio Ethiopia with English news at 1637, poor to fair.
Parallel 9560 poor, and needed to use USB to avoid Bangaladesh Betar with
strong carrier, but weak audio. (Salmaniw, 23 March).
TANZANIA 5050.06 Radio Tanzania at 1654 with talk in presumed
Swahili. Fair, into music at 1656. (Salmaniw, 23 March).
CLANDESTINE via Julich, Germany to Ethiopia. Voice of Oromo Liberation.
15105. Strong carrier on at 1659, and ID at 1701 clearly stating Oromo
twice during opening announcement. Very good. (Salmaniw, 23 March).
PAKISTAN 15724.91 At 1827 searching for Radio Liberte heard a distorted
signal from Pakistan. Not sure if this is a mixing product, spur or
whatever. Regularly heard. Noticed following day at 1721 giving address
as "Radio Pakistan, ? Service, Islamabad, Pakistan". Carrier off at 1730,
but on again at 1801. (Salmaniw, 23-24 March).
BANGLADESH 7184. Great carrier, but weak audio, with stronger parallel of
9558.0. At 1743 interval signal, then "Good evening, this is the external
service of Bangladesh Betar. Your favourite program, the Voice of
Islam." Listed frequencies, including 9550 (not 9558). Into Koran. Good
reception. (Salmaniw, 24 March).
YEMEN 9780.28 Sana is now drifting on the high end of 9780. In the past,
I always heard them on 9779.79. Heard with interval signal and national
anthem at 1759. Poor to fair. On 26 March, they were heard at 1751 on
9781.80. (Salmaniw, 24, 26 March).
ARGENTINA 15345 RAE not often reported with their English broadcast to
Europe at 1805. Under cochannel asian. Otherwise would have been
good. (Salmaniw, 24 March).
OMAN 15355. Radio Sultanate of Oman provides superb reception in English
from 0300 to 0400. Programming is very interesting and enjoyable, with
recitation of the Holy Koran, followed by a very thoughtful and well
translated version in English. At 0330 they have a time check for 0730 AM,
and an ID as "live from our studios in Muscat". Interesting items I heard
this session: That left handed women have a higher breast cancer risk, and
that low cholesterol is linked to depression! (Salmaniw, 25 March).
CLANDESTINE (Eritrea to Sudan) 8000.7 Voice of Sudan, Voice of National
Democracy at 0445. Poor level with talk, parallel to stronger
9517.22. Stronger at 0511. (Salmaniw, 25 March). 1709 heard with fair
signal except for time signal QRM, parallel to 9517.2 (poor), and 11999.95
(poor, well under much stronger 12 MHz cochannel). (Salmaniw, 30 March).
MALAYSIA 15295 Voice of Islam in English at 0450. Barely audible, and
usually inaudible, even in Hawaii. I never hear this one in Victoria. No
parallels noted either. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
KIRIBATI (not) Despite checks nightly, never any sign of Kiribati on 9810
or 9825. I can't believe they are on, despite reports to the
contrary. Reception should have been very easy, even at very low
power. They were once regular and an easy catch in the Pacific north
west. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
NIGERIA 7255 Very strong, but overmodulated English business news from
Radio Nigeria, at 0551. Sports at 0557. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
PERU 6115 Radio Union over cochannel Radio Tampa with lively Latin
music. Good signal. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
CLANDESTINE 7470 National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic
at 0700 sign on, with interval signal and ID in Arabic, with "Sahara"
clearly heard, into the Koran until 0708. Good to very good signal. Most
other nights fair to good only. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
SOLOMON ISLANDS 5019.92 SIBC with time check at 0716 for "18 minutes past
6:00 o'clock", with weather forecast in Pidgin, then an English ad against
drinking and driving, shipping information, and at 0724 "funeral news" in
Pidgin. "He pass away in hospital. Body take away...Burial...Rest in
peace." Armchair copy. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
JAPAN 3373.50 USB NHK SSB feeder, Osaka. 300 watts. Good reception at
1051. 3607.5 USB NHK Tokyo, 900 watts fair. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
CLANDESTINE (Korea) 6003 Echo of Hope with pleasant interval signal at
1057, and ID by female, parallel to much stronger 3985
(excellent). (Salmaniw, 25 March).
LAOS 4658.7 presumed Houa Phan. Fair at 1103, increased to good signal
at 1138. National Radio on 6130 strong at same time, but not in parallel.
When rechecked at 1159, however , they were in parallel and into national
news at 1200. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
VIETNAM 5925 Voice of Vietnam home service at 1117 in presumed
Vietnamese. Good with frequent mentions of Vietnam. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
UNIDENTIFIED 5598.11. at 1218 in southeast Asian language, but poorly
modulated, and wobbly carrier. Vietnamese Lao Cai listed on 5597, but not
sure if this is them. 5598.03 when rechecked at 1232. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
THAILAND 6765.09 Thai Meteorological Radio with shipping weather forecast
in English at 1239 with ID, and into usual interval signal. Parallel
8742.99 was stronger. (Salmaniw, 25 March).
CLANDESTINE 5101.23 Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom. Open carrier at
1258, into national anthem at 1300. ID in local language, with Jammu
Kashmir clearly heard, then into Koran (spoken, not chanted). Good
signal. On 5101.26 when rechecked at 1358. Bag pipe like interval signal
(?) and into English news at 1415. Headlines, then the news until
1420. ID in English at 1421. Commentary about India and Kashmir. No
longer in English at 1428. Nice strong signal! (Salmaniw, 25 March).
VATICAN CITY 11740. Vatican Radio has a weekly (UT Sunday) eastern rite
Catholic mass in Ukrainian. Very beautiful service, sung, no instruments,
as is the custom in the eastern church. Good reception at 0701, parallel
to 9770 fair. This is the summer schedule. (Salmaniw, 26 March). Their
regular Ukrainian program heard from 1639 with interval signa into Ukr. at
1640 until 1658. Into Belorussian at 1700. 11715 very good, 9585 fair.
(Salmaniw, 29 March).
INDIA 15200. A 5-5-5 signal of AIR with GOS in English to Africa and the
UK at 1745. "Happy tuning in". Many parallels: 15075 (good), 11935
(good), 11620 (fair/good), 9950 (fair), 7410 (fair/good). (Salmaniw, 26 March).
MONGOLIA 12085 Very good reception of the Voice of Mongolia,at 1503
except for mild transmitter buzz. Lone female does the whole program. Her
grasp of English is obviously limited, as there are many errs, and ahhs,
and poor pronunciations. ie "EEsAAk Newton", etc. Mailbag at 1518 to an
Australian listener, and then "Greetings from Canada" and a QSL request
from Dr Tom Williamson for his 16 February 2000 reception. The transmitter
suddenly cut-off at 1524. (March 27). Tuned in at 1459 March 29. 9720 had
a strong signal, but buzzy audio. "This is the Voice of Mongolia" Good to
very good. This frequency not heard two days previously, and is not
announced. They did announce the following English broadcasts: 1030 to
Australia on 12085, 1500 to South Asia on 12085 and 12015, and 2000 to
Europe on the same two frequencies. "Hello, please welcome the Voice of
Mongolia". A very distorted parallel could be heard under cochannel Voice
of Russia WS in English on 12015. Fairly amateurish program. Same poor
female proceeded to mostly read and paraphrase articles from the 'Mongol
Messenger". The same program was repeated the following day. Tuned in at
1510 (30 March), but this time heard on 12085. Nothing on 9720, nor
12015. On the Ist April, 12084.98 and 12014.7 were heard, at 1502, with
interval with Joe, a voluntary vet in Mongolia. (Salmaniw).
INDIA AIR English news at tune-in 1538. 9700 good. Parallels:
4990 (listed as Itangar) poor cochannel Chinese. 4970 good (listed as
Shillong), and 4920 fair to good (listed as Madras). Headlines at 1544,
then "Good night" at 1545. Tone, then into local programming with
ads. (Salmaniw, 29 March). The following day I checked more extensively
at 1528. At 1530 there were 5 + 1 time pips, and "Greetings, this is All
India Radio, with the news at nine." Following frequencies noted with
presumed sites:
4760 (presumed Port Blair) strong
3315 (Bhopal) fair
3945 (Garakhpur) poor
4800 (Hyderabad) good
4820 (Calcutta) fair ( cochannel)
4880 (Lucknow) good
4895 (Kurseong) fair
4910 (Jaipur) very good!
4920 (Chennai/Madras) good.
4940 Guwahati (good/excellent, but mild cochannel)
4950 (Radio Kashmir, Srinagar) fair/good with cochannel
4970 (Shillong) poor
4990 (Itanagar) poor under stronger cochannel
5050 (Aizawl) poor.
At 1544 "That's all for tonight. Goodnight". AIR ID at 1546. At 1547
only 5050, 4990, 4910, 4800, 4820, and 4895 were still in parallel with
comments on property transactions. (Salmaniw 30 March).
ZAMBIA 4965 Christian Voice at 1600 equal in strength to Voice of Russia
World Service (Tajik relay). Both good strength. Most mornings Zambia was
by far the dominant station. (30 March). Next day, nothed Christian Voice
with a S9 + 20 signal at 1605, with English African news, then into a
"great Christian music" program, and "On Track" at 1713 hosted by Dudley
Anderson. Announced a competition for a Baygen freeplay radio starting 10
April. (31 March).
SRI LANKA 4940 SLBC with Americal EZL music at 1654. 5 + 1 time pips at
1700, and "Radio Sri Lanka" heard. Tuning signal, then national anthem,
and off at 1702. Good reception regularly. (Salmaniw, 29 March).
SUDAN 7200 English ID as "This news is coming to you from the English
service of Radio Obdurman", at 1712. Also "You are tuned to the Sudan
Broadcasting Corporation". Strong at 1733. (Salmaniw, 29 March).Good to
very good on 7199.98 with English news at 1703. French is broadcast until
1700. At 1708 they said, "You are still tuned to the English service of
Radio Obdurman". (Salmaniw, 30 March).
MOROCCO 15380 Radio Liberty in Ukrainian, listed as from Morocco with
good to very good reception daily from 1700 to 1800. (Salmaniw, 29 March).
CLANDESTINE (CONGO) 15725 USB Snippets of tinny audio heard at best at
1808, but never enough to confirm Radio Liberte. (Salmaniw, 29 March).
RWANDA 6055 Radio Rwanda is an easy catch, and regular every morning in
Hawaii, but I only heard English once. From 1551 to 1552 only with a brief
English newscast on Saturday March 31st. Otherwise only in French or
vernacular. (Salmaniw 31 March).
IRAQ Baghdad was back on 31 March at tune in 1727 with strong carriers on
both 7157 and 11787, but weak audio. Continued to hear them most of the
day, and for the next several days in Hawaii. (Salmaniw, 31 March).
ZANZIBAR 11734.09 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, with presumed Swahili news at
1608, very good signal. Parallel 5050.04 also good to very good, but
slightly distorted. They were no longer in // when rechecked at
1610. (Salmaniw, 1 April).
INDONESIA 15149.80 Voice of Indonesia signing off in French at 1959, and
signing back on in English at 2001. Good reception. Announced that program
was for listeners in Asia, Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa,
and daily from 01 to 02, 08 to 09, and 20 to 21 UTC on 9525, 15150 and
11785, but these parallels were not heard. (Salmaniw, 1 April).
That's all for now folks!!! I very highly recommend Hawaii as a lovely DX
location, especially if you can escape the noise!
Walter R. Salmaniw, MD email: salmaniw@xxxxxxxx
Victoria, British Columbia DXING FROM CANADA'S WEST COAST, using
CANADA premier radio receivers:
(250) 592-1033 Collins R390A,ITT Mackay 3031A,
Racal RA.117, JRC NRD 535D, and
Kenwood R5000.
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