Re: [HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-53 April 15
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Re: [HCDX]: DX Listening Digest 00-53 April 15

Hearing RFPI on 6970, noted at 0502  April 16 with Alternative Radio.  Good
signal up here, so they must have got the repairs done.

73 Don
Loggings from Don Moman,   Lamont, Alberta CANADA    53 44N  112 50W
Ant: 4-30 mhz rotatable HF log Periodic at 30m, assorted beverages
Receivers:   Collins HF-2050, Yaesu FT-1000mp, ICOM R8500

> ** COSTA RICA. RFPI`s new US address is P. O. Box 1094, Eugene OR
> 97440. Someone is coming out to repair the cubical quad antenna on
> the 200-foot tower in a few days from April 14, allowing the return
> of the 30 kW transmitter which will be within plus/minus 5 kHz of
> 6975, to avoid interfering with some service in Portugal. Time for
> that will probably be reduced to 0200-0800 UT, and 15049 may be
> closing at 0300 or 0400. This has been a slow cash-flow month, so
> additional contributions from members have been a great help. A new
> antenna is under construction, quarter-wave length, 155 feet long.
> (Joe Bernard and James Latham, RFPI Mailbag April 14, notes by gh for
> Hmm, full wave would be 189 metres or 1580 kHz; maybe really above
> 1600 which was alluded to briefly some weeks ago as a possible new
> frequency range for RFPI. The 6975 QSY and reduced hours on that and
> 15049 will obviously impact the WOR and COM schedules. 15049 was
> still on Sat April 15 at 1100 for the new COM, 1130 new WOR (gh)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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