[HCDX]: New transmitter for Hanoi?
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[HCDX]: New transmitter for Hanoi?

I’ve noted what may be a new transmitter being used by Voice of Vietnam on 5925.000 KHz. Normally I find this station on approximately 5924.56 KHz. That’s where it was when I last measured it on 4/14/2000 at 1316Z. Today, 4/18/2000, am receiving it at 1200Z on 5925.000 and I noted it yesterday on this “new” frequency. Has anyone noted them using two transmitters, or could this be a new transmitter? SINPO today is 35443 with a signal strength of –92 dBm. Heard a female singing what sounds like a Vietnamese pop tune at 1210Z. There is slight frequency stability  “jitter”. There does not appear to be any noticeable difference in power or modulation quality. Has anyone else noted this “new” transmitter?


Thomas B. Roach

Listening with Watkins-Johnson HF-1000

Antenna: Alpha Delta DX-SWL Sloper

QTH: California's Sierra Nevada mountain foothills