[HCDX]: LOGS 16+18
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[HCDX]: LOGS 16+18
TANZANIA 11734.06 R Tanzania Zanzibar 1600 clocks , man ?sawt El Tanzania
Zanzibar? , then in news in VN Fair signal Liangas 16 April Retziki Th
AFGHANISTAN 7083 V of Sharia 1545 man in AR with continuous talks 1555 QRM
from jammer and signal very poor drifting downwards . At 1615 on 7085 with
religious prg till 1630 then prg in RU till 1645 mostly news. Drifting again
with a rate of 15 Hz per minute S6 or SINPO 33333 ( QRM on LSB only ) Liangas
16 April Retziki Th Greece
MALAGASY 5009.5 RTM with theatre play at 1750 . Continuing after 1800 and at
1900 with older western songs Some co channel QRM though no problems during
SSB reception S9 but heard as 23233 Liangas 16 April Retziki Th Greece
18-4 had very good propagation from Africa until 1820 :
CHINA 7999.9 Xinjiang PBS 1544 with uighur operas and orch songs , fading in
at 33233,with much lightning across the band Mongol service was on 5059.9 abt
S6 /34333 Liangas 18 April Retziki Th Greece
Cland 10240 V o Mujahed was // 6860 @1642 , signal 34233 with woman in
political commentary Immediately after QRMed by jammer and switching to 10270
and back to 10240 ( the only two freqs they used) Liangas 18 April Retziki Th
KENYA 4885 KBC Nairobi 1715 with folk songs , , then with continuous talks
44423 with strong and fast fading level Liangas 18 April Retziki Th Greece
SWAZILAND 3200 TWR Africa 1744 talks by woman in ENG possibly interview S5
933232) Liangas 18 April Retziki Th Greece
NAMIMBIA 3270 & 3290 . on 3290 1755 with German program with news , advert of
Namibia Internet then 1800 with ID then again news but on 3270 with prg in VN
and talks . Signal S9 on 3290 and S9+10 on 3270 but after 1815 gradually
lowering to be S 6 for 3270 Liangas 18 April Retziki Th Greece
EQ GUINEA 50003.44 RN Bata 1855 with folk songs Signal S9 or 44323 with s song
having a French accent . Prg closed 1900 with man in SP giving freqs Liangas
18 April Retziki Th Greece
Zacharias Liangas pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX,
www.geocities.com/zliangas : (shortened) up: logs.htm
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks)
pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75,Lowe HF150,SONY ICF7600D,YupiteruMVT7100,Philips 2935
antena 2x 6 m & 16 m
accesories: MFJ 1040,MFJ1025,MFJ 752c,MFJ16010,MFJ462
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