[HCDX]: RAI 846
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[HCDX]: RAI 846

I have received information from Rome that RAI 846kHz has been shut down.
Apparently, the electric field generated in the area around the TX site was
well above permitted levels and excided 60V/m.  I have heard that local
legislation permits a maximum  level of 12V/m around inhabited areas.  As of
now, there is no MW coverage for RAI channel 1 in much of the country.
Could any of the Italian participants on HCDX comment on this, whether 846 is still silent or, if on air, anything has happened to their signal levels?

---From the world's northernmost DX-er---
                   71°N, 29°E
Bjarne Mjelde
P.O.Box 58
N-9980 Berlevåg, Norway
Receivers:  AR7030+, KWZ-30