Re: [HCDX]: Radio Speranza
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Speranza

>  From:    ritola@xxxxxxxxxx (Mauno Ritola)
>  At 23.51 20.4.2000 -0700, you wrote:
>  >Concerning their reactivation on 6231.25 it should be added that they are 
> on 
>  >LSB & carrier only. Heard here most of the day. As it seems, they relay 
>  >programs of Vatican Radio at certain times.
>  At least yesterday here they were better on USB, on LSB there was lots of
>  utility interference.

Interesting. So, may be they are switching between LSB & USB (and full AM?). 
When I heard them again this morning, there was nothing on USB while LSB came 
in quite well (except for Ute QRM you also mentioned).

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