RE: [HCDX]: Why QSL? (was: Re: addresses)
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RE: [HCDX]: Why QSL? (was: Re: addresses)

Dear friends
May I add my two cents worth to the QSL debate that is going on.  I was at
the point of writing when I read Bjarne Mjelde's interesting comments which
are similar to my own.

As a keen DXer who no longer writes for QSLs I am interested in what seems
to be an increase in traffic on the subject on HCDX.  A bit like the
frustrated hunters busily stalking the few remaining lions!
No, I stopped sending for QSL cards because I was tired of effectively
making donations to the Post Office - the return rate was very poor.
The QSLs I have in my collection remind me of pleasant evenings - maybe
sitting up at night in a dressing gown listening through the crackle.  The
excitement of DXing.  But, I am under no illusion.  They are of no value
except to me, and they prove nothing.
It is easy to get enough information from DX tips columns or from live feeds
on the internet to fraudulently get QSL cards.  And let's be honest, those
of us who follow up requests to small stations that we heard many months
ago, do not really expect them to have a station log, to check.  We get our
replies either as publicity or to keep us quiet.
So at best a QSL is a nice reminder of a pleasant moment.  A bit like buying
a postcard on visiting the Grand Canyon.
And there are other ways of nowadays getting pleasant momentos of DX
high-lights.  My Sony minidisk recorder is a great way to record and
catalogue live recordings of ID's.  They are still not proof that I heard
the stations - I could easily get ID's from you guys' web sites.
But I only DX to satisfy myself, so I need no proof that I do it.
Best Wishes
Don Phillips
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Bjarne Mjelde
> Sent: 22 April 2000 09:48
> To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [HCDX]: Why QSL? (was: Re: addresses)
> I would like to further on Henrik Klemetz' general comments on QSL'ing.
> Why do we QSL a station?  Because we "need" written proof that
> the station was heard.  And of course because it's nice to have
> an original letter from the station, in addition to pennants,
> stickers and other memorabilia submitted.  If the station replies at all.
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