Re: [HCDX]: Bolivian bandscan
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Re: [HCDX]: Bolivian bandscan
> >UNID on 4992.04.
> >I heard the same station in Finland in the morning of April 21st;
> >UTC.
> >And my bet is Radio Andina, Peru.
> >At 0300 there was satellite-fed greetings px for Peruvians. At the end of
> >the programme all stations receiving the broadcast were listed. Radio
> >Andina mentioned.
> >Till 0400 (after that; fade-out) soft non-stop mx. No own ID.
> This would be a frequency change of Radio Andina. Normally they are active
> on 4995.6. Some weeks ago I could receive Radio Animas with clear ID on
> 4991.8.
> Michael Schnitzer
There are different suggestions what station it would be (I wrote I heard
Radio Ancash on 21 APRIL, closing down at 0412). I tuned to this frequency
(4992.1) after 0400, maybe at that time Radio Andina already signed off. I
heard no list of participating stations at the end of transmission. They
just played something, then I heard a short announcement (in which I think I
heard "Radio Ancash" mentioned), followed by a tune (was it Il Silenzio? I
cannot recall now...) and sign off, without any national anthem.
Well - Ancash, Andina, Animas - similar names, but I think I heard Radio
Ancash (Peru).
Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic
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