[HCDX]: QSLs etc
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[HCDX]: QSLs etc

I think DXing never will disappear. As long as there are stations and
people who want to get in contact with the stations. Maybe by listening to
the stations but also to contact the stations and learn more about the
stations, either writing them or contacting them thru internet. 
QSLs can be collected in different ways, if you want to do well in a
national competition based on received QSL, then you have to send a lot of
If you want to collect for the future a valuable DX-collection then it is
not enough to collect points, call changes and you name it. 
Some years ago we got a valuable donation to our local DX-club, Jakobstads
DX-Club of Finland from a former DX-er who passed away. There were also
many to that date unknown FFF-stations (first QSLed for Finland) and many
QSLs from the beginning of 50's along with log books, some old
DX-publications (e.g. Shortwave News Magazine from Soklot) and
correspondence with other DX-ers at that time.
Then I realized that it is not the points that are important. It's rather
the whole stuff that's making the complete collection. 
This means;
-year to year contribution to a DX-magazine (at least if you want to save
your official loggings for the future this is still far better than internet.
-collection of DX-litterature from the time span you were active, including
DX-magazines, books like WRTH...
-log books you have made, copies of letters to the stations, correspondence.
-recordings of your stations e.g. on cassettes, minidesks (are they safe to
store for 30+ years like normal recordings?)
-and of course QSLs from the stations not to forget. I appreciate e-mail
verifications as a good and acceptable QSL since they are a picture of the
situation today. In 10-20 years the particular station might have been gone
anyhow and especially the veri signer is not with the station any more. And
e-mails tend to be more familiar and more detailed than normal answers today.

More stations means more memories and is one reason why I am still
struggling to hear a new station. I am now waiting for my 2000th medium
wave QSL and over the 32 active years I have succeeded to QSL 170 countries.
Per-Ole Stenman, Jakobstad

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