Re: Sv: [HCDX]: Quick QSL...
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Re: Sv: [HCDX]: Quick QSL...

Don't be so sure chaps as to who has had the fastest QSL,as Many years ago there was a Pirate radio station broadcasting music from just outside the City of Invercargill (New Zealand ) on the Medium wave band, and as the local Radio Inspector was driving out to close the station down,he had the late Arthur Cushen  in his car with him,Arthur was busy logging the station as they travelled.The Radio Inspector entered the house where the Pirate was broadcasting from and immediatley pulled the plugs as Arthur handed the Announcer the DX report who Qsled it on the spot by signing the report !!!
What could be quicker than that ?

Paul Aronsen.

Richard Jary wrote:

 I beat that a few weeks back - 20 minutes for the new African World Beacon via Rampisham.

But we'll let Paul claim his as the MW record :-)



Congratulations, Paul. I think this is a World Record ! 40 minutes !Best 73, Anker
----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Sendt: 25. april 2000 00:05
Emne: [HCDX]: Quick QSL...
 Hi all,

I received my quickest QSL ever yesterday...

I logged R Buen Aire, Argentina 1630khz on Saturday at 0510z, sent the
report by e-mail at 2351z and received the reply at 0031z! No v/s... jus a
short confirmation message (in block letters) at the top of my original
report, from the management of 'Red 92'... hopefully something will turn up
in the post!



Paul Ormandy, 33 Greta Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, paul@xxxxxxxxxxx

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