Re: [HCDX]: Sahara 7460 and 1550 Khz
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Re: [HCDX]: Sahara 7460 and 1550 Khz
> I'm hearing Sahara 7460 Khz parrallel with 1550 Khz. Programme is in Arabic
> with chants.
> This is a message from "Juan Antonio Arranz Sanz" <jas84756@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Are you sure it was 1550 kHz? I was on Canary Islands Fuerteventura
only 100 km from the Moroccoan occupied Sahara and heard Sahara
radio daily on 1540 kHz. This was 13.-19. April.
On 1550 there was nothing, on 1548 I heard VoA Kuwait and the
Iraqi bubble-jammer.
Jorma Mantyla
Kangasala, Finland
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