RE: [HCDX]: Radio Nationaal
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RE: [HCDX]: Radio Nationaal
Hello René,
The site mentions Hunsel as tx-site. I know that Echt was
originally intended as tx-site.
BTW : Here in Antwerp, I can still hear Northsound 2 during daytime on 1035
with the R Nationaal fully operational nulled out.
> This evening the new Dutch commercial radiostation Radio Nationaal is
testing on 1035 Khz mediumwave. Very strong signal here in the south of the
Netherlands. The transmitter is located in the town Echt, in the southern
province of Limburg, not too far from the city Roermond.
Official start of Radio Nationaal friday may the fifth at 12 hours UTC.
Sorry that an interesting DX frequancy will be occupied by a new commercial
station, because North Sound form Aberdeen used to come in rather good at
nights here.
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