Re: [HCDX]: nunciation ofZeb in Canada
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Re: [HCDX]: nunciation ofZeb in Canada
In a message dated 00-05-08 23:00:42 EDT, one of mah best buddies wrote:
> And some non-Canadians use it, too. My Canadian-born mother taught me to
> use it, since "zee" can sound a lot like "cee." Listeners to "DXing
> with Cumbre" will know that I always pronounce the last letter of the
> alphabet as "zed," and after four years on the air, nobody has asked
> me what it means, so I guess it must be clear to most listeners.
> 73--
> Marie Lamb
Amen -
no doubt Riley H. is reviewing his notZ
However, on the west shore of the "pond" some of us have taken phonetic
license, and embraced the use of the letter "zeb". Mar knows too well just
who we r..............
best regardes, (73's)
(who, BTW, has only received 1 ea. from the mailer.) :)
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