Re: [HCDX]: Radio CORA reactivated ?
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio CORA reactivated ?
On Thu, 11 May 2000 07:14:42 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi -
>this morning (11 MAY) at 0430 UTC I heard a spanish speaking LA station on
>4914.72 kHz. I think I heard one "Radio Cora" ID. The signal was quite poor.
>This peruvian station from Lima was inactive on this frequency (rather
>4914.4) for a year or so.
>Unfortunately its signal faded out at 0440, so I have to tune it in much
>earlier tomorrow.
>There is a chance for our friends in Americas that they still catch the
>station on the air in their local morning if they get this mail in time.
>But let us hope that the station continues also tomorow and so on...
>Karel Honzik,
>the Czech Republic
Hi Karel!
Some days I heard it also for me it was Radio Cora, but the signal
is weaker then before,I think you have real DX ears!!!
By the way all of you out there try Radio Yura, it is regurly last
days on 4716.76 Khz.
Ruud Vos
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