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MALAYSIA 9750 V of Malaysia 1537 with malay songs (all kinds  from melayu deli 
to light) interval with time at 1545 , quranic preahes  at 1600 . signal 43433 
and S9mean Not//15295 . Nice that  this program has been separated from the 
15295 slot ( a totally arabic prg) and that  has good signal here 
Question : from when  they started this transmission? 
Liangas May 15 Retziki THS Greece 

www.geocities.com/zliangas/sinpfemo.htm +++

RUSSIA ?7345 R Chechnya Svobodna 2000 ID and ID after R Tele MOnaco  
programming ! Liangas MAy 12 Retziki THS GReece 

ARGENTINA 29810 LRA , R Continental 2013  with sports program  with  Argentina 
( pres) Columbia goal on 2016 !  Prg  was in parallel /synchro  with 15820 Both 
in poor signal  (S6-7 ) with preamp in full  Liangas May 14 retziki THS Greece 

EQ GUINEA 5003.4  R Bata with folk songs , underneath woman voice in SP  , 
Suiganl S9 +10 Liangas May 12 
Question : When they are transmitting on SW ? It seems a non regular 

INDONESIA 15149.85 V of Indonesia 2019 with soft  nice IND songs Liangas May 14 
retziki THS Greece 

S LEONE 3316 SLBS 1952 talks in VN and EN  and phone ins Signal 32332 /S7   
Liangas May 15 retziki THS Greece 

UnIDed russian on 3922.65 at 2009  with man speaking in RR  then hymn and RR 
songs . S7 at +10 db amp or 21322 best in LSB  heard at abt 5% of the time due 
to very strong QRM  from carriers above and below  freq . Seems to have 
religious talks ?. Liangas May 15 Retziki THS Greece 

6880 VL<> WV on IT 15/1950

BRAZIL 4815 R Difusora (t) 2153 heard underneath of R Burkina  with man in 
ethustistic talks Signal of mix S8 faded out on 2200 Liangas May 15 Retziki THS 

Zacharias Liangas  pen-DX sejak 72 - anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, 
www.geocities.com/zliangas : (shortened) up: logs.htm
NEW: rt75.htm ,experiment.htm   
and telenovelas page on telenovs.htm (every 2 weeks) 
pesawat penerima :ICOM ICR75,Lowe HF150,SONY ICF7600D,YupiteruMVT7100,Philips 2935 
antena 2x 6 m & 16 m 
accesories: MFJ 1040,MFJ1025,MFJ 752c,MFJ16010,MFJ462 
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