Re: [HCDX]: Africans in No Cal
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Re: [HCDX]: Africans in No Cal

Patrick Buckingham wrote :
>   Im getting some good openings to Africa tonight...Lesotho on 4800 
> Gabon on 4777...never heard them before..lot of atmospheric noise 
> catchable.
and later corrected : 
> Oops..the Gabon station was Swaziland heh..Gabon isnt even active 

I do not want to confuse you further, but Gabon IS ACTIVE on 4777 these 
days (at least the last two months or so). Quite regular catch in 
Central Europe.
Personally I do not remember Swaziland ever being active on 4777. So, 
if you have no definite ID, Gabon is the most likely after all.

Aart Rouw
Bühl, Germany

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