Re: [HCDX]: WWBS address revisited
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Re: [HCDX]: WWBS address revisited

>Little over a month ago there was the following hint on WWBS address here:
>>  Hello Terry and Hardcore Group: I just returned from Don Moman's DXped,
>>WHOW !!!, see my loggings later. Mickey Delmage logged WWBS on GMT
>>beamed to Europe, still I think. I am not sure of the frequency, etc, but
>>here is the office (owners home) address: Charles C. Josey, Chief
>>Engineer/Owner, WWBS, 300 Poplar Street, Macon, Georgia, 31209, USA, it is
>>okay to use this address! The address in the WRTH is to the lonely xmtr
>>site, not advisable for reports. A real nice group of people at WWBS! 73's.
>>Joe n52w113@xxxxxxxxxxx
>My letter with that address on it was returned to me today with the
>following stamp on it:
>Not deliverable as addressed, return to sender.
>So, any suggestions for a valid address?

My WWBS QSL came with a letter and the letterhead address is:
World Wide Broadcst Systerm
PO Box 18714
Macon GA 31209

Charlie C.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
                               "My Back Pages", 1964 B. Dylan

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