Re: [HCDX]: High Adventure South Lebanon
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Re: [HCDX]: High Adventure South Lebanon

I'm afraid there will be nothing to watch or listen
for that matter...
Nick Pashkevich just forwarded to me this article:

Cumbre DX Special May 24, 2000 

   "Firstest with the Bestest"

   Contributor Hans Johnson AZ 

   LEBANON/ISRAEL Voice of Hope R.I.P. Voice of 
   Hope is no more. Due to the Israeli withdrawal from

   Lebanon, the station went off the air on Saturday,
   20th. The station continues to operate on FM and
   studios in Metulla, Israel, but the shortwave and
AM transmitters 
   have been crated up. As a replacement, there are
   new transmissions via Julich, Germany, as follows: 
   For the Middle East 0800-1200 21590 kHz 
   1200-1600 21460 kHz 
   For Russia, Europe, and Africa 1700-2100 11985 kHz 
   It was thought that High Adventure might want to
   and set up the crated shortwave transmitters in
Israel. However, 
   this does not seem to be terribly important as they
report that 
   the signal is better via Julich. All the above is
per High 
   Adventure. (DIRECT Johnson Cumbre DX Copyright May 

--- "Dr. Hansjoerg Biener"
<Hansjoerg.Biener@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, with the withdrawal of the Israeli troops and
> the end of the South
> Lebanese Army it should be interesting to watch for
> the developments at
> the radio station of High Adventure Ministries which

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