[HCDX]: 6249.3 Malabo?
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[HCDX]: 6249.3 Malabo?

6249.3 1920 GNE R Malabo (tent) May 26 male and
female talks in local lang plus African mx.
Couple of times mentioning Malabo. Rechecking
at 2040, this time Spanish talks. No positive id
heard anyway. Not very strong, ute-qrm. I have not
heard Malabo, neither seen loggings of it for a long
time, maybe they have been off. Bata on 5003v comes
in nicely when on the air, tonight nothing on 5003v
or 4926v (at this hour). KRE was on its usual 6250.3
earlier today as well as ZMB on 6265.

Jari Savolainen
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