[HCDX]: DX news
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[HCDX]: DX news

DX news by Daniele Canonica, SWITZERLAND
RX JRC 535 with 30 meter of LW antenna and MLB

28. May. 2000

New DX:

BRAZIL Radio Difusora de Londrina (presumed) 4815 01.05-01.35 portuguese male
and female talk with "musica sertaneja", very low signal, no ID (Canonica, 27.

New QSL:

ANDAMAN ISLANDS AIR Port Blair Mr. A.K. Bhatnagar confirm two !!! reports of
01.10.99 and 13.11.99 with two different QSL, reports send at this addresse: 1)
Dilanipur Port Blair 744 102, South Andaman 2) 24 Coubert Avenue 744 102
Gorimedu (Canonica)

73' Daniele.

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