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990 Khz - CBKN - BC, Shalath, rec. full detailed QSL card in 12d from
CBC-Vancouver. 40 watts. V/S: Dave Newbury-CE. Address: P.O. Box 4600 -
Vancouver BC V6B 4A2 CANADA (PM-OR)
1700 kHz - KQXX - TX, Brownsville, rec. nice mult-colored QSL sheet
none by the station in 36dfff. No V/S. Apparently Gary Jackson's
continued requests for QSLs, got them to do this. I guess the sqeakey
wheen does get the grease! I has early gotten my prepared card back
signed by:
Sandra Conche. (PM-OR)
Patrick Martin
P.O. Box 843
Seaside OR 97138-0843
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