Re: [HCDX]: 1197 Brasov
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Re: [HCDX]: 1197 Brasov


Recently I got an Email from Radio Târgu Mures (Romania) which could bring
some more light to a log from March this year. They wrote me (in Romanian
language) that  they broadcast on 1197 kHz a two hours programme  produced
by the editing suboffice "Antena Brasovului". This suboffice belongs to the
broadcasting studio Târgu Mures. My other questions like address of
"Antena Brasovului" or if this programme is broadcasted also on the other
frequencies (1323 and 1593 kHz) of  Radio Târgu Mures remained unanswered.
The Emailaddress of  R.Tg. Mures is:  <msradior@xxxxxxxxxx>

Erich Bergmann
Ansbach, Germany

At 23:13 12.03.00, Mauno Ritola wrote:
>At 1600 I was amazed to hear a relatively clear identification: "Aici
>Antena Brasovul" and announcing this fq. I haven't seen anywhere anything
>about Brasov having local programmes. Does anyone have an e-mail or
>snail-mail address to this station?
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