Sv: [HCDX]: Special TX on 11640
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Sv: [HCDX]: Special TX on 11640

Dear Andre,
Here in Copenhagen, Denmark I just heard at 1905 your parallel transmissions with religious programme as follows:
11640 SINPO 45444 - very good reception !
 5925       "      32432 - clear channel, but QRM from strong European transmitters: Radio Prague 5930 in Spanish QSA 5, and one broadcasting in Slovak (tentative) on 5920 also with QSA 5.
I use an AOR AR7030 with 80 metres of longwire and live in a villa quarter.
Best 73, Anker (Chairman DSWCI and editor Domestic Broadcasting Survey)
----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Sendt: 24. juni 2000 08:49
Emne: [HCDX]: Special TX on 11640

Hello all SWLs,

Today the 24 June we will do a test on 11640 from 1900 to 2000 UTC.
It will be beamed at Wesr Africa and a few reports will be appreciated.
It will carry the AMG program. The same as on 5925.

A comparison between the two in West Africa would be most helpfull.

Best wishes from South Africa,
André du Toit
E-mail:-  adutoit@xxxxxxxxxx
P.O. box 125
Rep. of South Africa.
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