[HCDX]: Two Peruvians logged.
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[HCDX]: Two Peruvians logged.



3339.9, Radio Altura; Cerro de Pasco, June 27, 0001-0125, Male and female in
Spanish, flute music in the background. Canned IDs. Male speaker with
"Buenas Noches", mention of date. Jingle, followed by more talk. 34333

4515.5, Radio Amistad; Lima, June 27, 0137-0155, Typical Peruvian music with
flutes and drums. Male speaker in Spanish, followed by more music with some
brief announcements in between the songs. Canned IDs at 0052 UTC. Not very
strong, but almost without interference, and very listenable with the R75's
Noise Reducer switched on. 24343 (Veldhuis)

Receiver: Icom IC-R75;
Antenna: 20 meter longwire with MLB.

Mark Veldhuis, the Netherlands.
E-mail: dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fax: +31207785377
ICQ: 38955406

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